Fellow outdoor workers, how you holding up?


TUF Noob
Apr 23, 2011
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Hey guys. I work as a Leak Tech Surveyer which means I park my car at the end of a street and go house to house inspecting gas meters and lines. It's currently 94°F here and it been pretty brutal. Especially when I do find an underground gas leak and have to survey the street to track it (I plunge a big metal bar into the ground by hand to take reading of how big the leak is). I just came across a cooler on a porch full of cold water and was instructed to help myself. Honestly moments like this really lift my day and help me keep going.
So to any fellow Sherdoggers working in similar conditions stay strong and I hope fortune smiles upon you.
You work at a bath house?

Oh, the things Ive seen

I feel spoiled being in an office but I spent 15 years out in the weather. And in ND of all places. Stay safe and hydrated.
Not outdoors but had to change a motor in a crawlspace on our 20th floor yesterday. Crawlspace had an exterior window. Must have been 105 in there.


I think I lost at least 5 pounds.
Vitamin D is good for you, stahp bitchin.

Effects of ... Lack of vitamin D
I work at the beach. I mainly work below sea level but I work outdoors also. The location is great!
Imagine being a roofer in these super hot days. I can barely handle heights and than you add the extreme heat. That's scary shit, I'd pass out and die no doubt about it.