Feitosa Fired from Gracie Barra USA?


Jul 24, 2005
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Heres what I've collected on the situation from some pretty reliable sources.

I just heard that Carlos Gracie Jr. and Marcio Feitosa were fired from Gracie Barra USA (by The Guy who owns BJJTAPES.com - sorry that is all I got). I found out when i went to the site and it showed Rigan instead of Marcio. I called a few friends from there and it seems that the owner of the school fired them and put Rigan in. check out the graciebarrausa site and see for yorself. www.graciebarrausa.com

The guy who owned the place made a business arrangement with Carlinhos and Marcio. Rigan had done business with this investor before. The investor registered the website and got the business license. The investor had a falling out with Carlinhos. Since the investor owns the actual school, the instructors left. As far as using the name Gracie Barra, I am sure some legal action will be taken. I think it would be really weird for the students too... They say they are Barra guys, but the other schools will not look at it as such. Like a guy riding a Harley wanting to be in an outlaw motorcycle gang, having a bike doesn't make you a Hell's Angel. Hope this sheds a little light on it.

So here's what Ive heard... Bjjtapes(or one of the main guys from bjjtapes) pulled the plug because Marcio and Carlos would not run the school the way he wanted. Carlos and Marcio offered to buy out the school and bjjtapes decided to pull the plug instead of selling. Basically, he locked them out of their own school while they weere away, cancelled all fo their stuff, and evicted them from their own apartment. Everyone was fired via mail and Rigan was put in to run the 'new' Gracie Barra USA. The Barra guys didn't even know what hit them.
Sounds like a knock out punch (but kinda sucker punch too).

This is a story i hear, im copy and pasting it in here... anyone know any truth to it?
Rather than worrying about this drama, you should be explaining yourself for not taking part in my reverse omoplata thread.
Aesopian said:
Rather than worrying about this drama, you should be explaining yourself for not taking part in my reverse omoplata thread.


so much drama in the bjj community...
Anyway, here's what I've gathered:

The Gracie Barra USA website and business license were originally registered by the fellow behind www.bjjtapes.com, who goes by the username bjjtapes on MMA.tv. I imagine this makes him Carlihnos and Marcio's financial backing for the school. I hear he's also a purple belt.

He had some disagreement with how the school was being run, so he kicked Carlinhos and Marcio out and changed the website to a Machado Academy.

Rigan Machado is connected to www.bjjtapes.com too (I heard he was the owner, but I'm not sure), but I'm not sure why he's being put in as the replacement instructor, since I thought he wasn't even teaching at the time.

Neither side has come out with an official story, so don't put too much weight in anything you hear unless it comes from an legitimate source. That doesn't include me. This is all just hearsay.
Aesopian said:
Rather than worrying about this drama, you should be explaining yourself for not taking part in my reverse omoplata thread.
So true...

Im ashamed.
More information here:


Some things to consider:

1) A lot of students at GB USA are locked into contracts and can't get out. Poor guys are wondering why they have one of Rigan's students teaching classes now.

2) It's a pity that so much BJJ talent is going to leave the south OC.

3) It's interesting to see how the BJJ Tapes guy (James Liu) was able to reconcile with Rigan.

4) The word is that the GB guys were planning on cutting out the BJJ Tapes guy anyways. He merely pulled the rug out before this happened.

5) Word is that the school will eventually be closed down by the BJJ Tapes guy anyways.

6) BJJ Tapes owns the rights to and sells several instructional videos featuring Gracie Barra guys: Pe de Pano and Marcio Feitosa. Talk about awkward.
i found out yestoday when i step into graciebarra usa, and saw rigan picture everywhere...
Hmm... it looks like Carlinhos and Marcio are already planning on opening up another location in Orange County. These guys move fast.


It looks like there's going to be a Gracie Barra Costa Mesa coming soon. Even more interesting, it looks like Kazeka Muniz is going to open up a Gracie Barra academy somewhere in southern California. I guess he's leaving his European academies?
Jesus Christ! I just talked to Marcio 2 weeks ago everything seems to be fine...............
Didn't papa John Gorman and some folks buy Gracie Barra America, he's the president I think
Rather than worrying about this drama, you should be explaining yourself for not taking part in my reverse omoplata thread.

hahaha PREACH

and like i just said in the other GB thread-
as with most bad things in life, jiujitsu drama avoids you if you avoid it
I must admit I was like WTF at first til I seen the date of the thread lol.
yeah, i was a bit startled as well

War Marcio!