Fedor went against the UFC marketing machine.

You need a TUE for TRT and Bigfoot never had one until the Hunt fight. It would literally be on public record if he was using TRT for the fight. He was not on TRT, but you can keep telling yourself he was all you want.

The TUE was mainly a Las Vegas thing from the NSAC. Strikeforce hardly had any fights in Nevada and I don't think Bigfoot was on any of them.
Fedor fans told us he was when he beat rogers.

Fedors problem wasn't falling out of his prime, it was not updating his training camp and wanting to go out and play rock em sock em robots

Why would I care what Fedor fans told you when he beat Rogers. That doesn't dictate the facts.
Fedor fans told us he was when he beat rogers.

Fedors problem wasn't falling out of his prime, it was not updating his training camp and wanting to go out and play rock em sock em robots

Dude, no one in their right mind thought that. I watched that fight live and knew he was out of it. Hell, I thought he was about to lose that fight and I lost my shit when he won. I had to have yelled loud enough for the world to hear me.
The facts that he was out of his prime because he lost 3 straight?


maybe because he was showing signs of struggle before that. he lost in sambo and that was a huge deal. his wins werent as impressive and the guy who not only survived but dominated an entire fight in nog's guard was no longer there. he became a head hunter.
Fedor is the best

Fedor Emelianenko.

Years if can crushing. No ufc fights. Protected by m1. Turned down Reem more than once. Goes on 3fight losing streak all by stoppage and ktfo by mw Henderson 1 punched.

Not quite. He looked epic at times. Coasted quite a bit too.
Hard to not look at him different after 1 punched by a mw
He headhunted against a dude with HW power and made an amateur mistake. Pride fedor would of been koed also if he put himself in that position.

I feel his fall had to do more with game planning than drop in speed, power etc. obviously he wasn't as fast as he was in pride but people make out like he all of a sudden went from TRT Vitor to current Vitor.
He headhunted against a dude with HW power and made an amateur mistake. Pride fedor would of been koed also if he put himself in that position.

I feel his fall had to do more with game planning than drop in speed, power etc. obviously he wasn't as fast as he was in pride but people make out like he all of a sudden went from TRT Vitor to current Vitor.

He was great but the can crushing was his downfall and 7fc got the last laugh. A fighter prime us like a shooting star. And then it's gone. M1 was the excuse to avoid being exposed. Cain, JDS, Stiope etc would have. Someone always will. All greats lose.

If he at least fought Reem we would be happy. He ducked tried to can crush and got obliterated. Karma I suppose.



TRT Hendo, not the same fighter off the sauce. Why do you think older men take TRT in the first place? Just for shits and giggles? It helped him as a fighter, plain and simple. "Ageless male". Hasn't been the same since.

Bigfoot didn't have an exemption but look at his physique in that fight. With the TRT ban, he looks completely different. With Strikeforces' laughable drug testing (overeem) and his prior usage it's not that controversial to say he was most likely on something. trt Bigfoot wasn't some unbeatable god but he was a formidable fighter.



Werdum got embarrassed his last fight but his resume speaks volumes about his skill and he is the top 3 HW all time.. Everyone loses... Stipe got his ass whooped by Struve
Moving past debates on his fighting greatness, I agree with TS that UFC would have mangled marketing him. I wouldn't have wanted to see a trash talking soap opera version of Fedor. The mystique he generated on his own was preferable.
Fedor is GOAT. I used thread like these to filter trought the fuckin retarded trolls cuz u have to be either retarded or a troll to hate on Fedya.

He had even more hype than Honda before getting ktfo. 1 punched by a mw and the hype continues. If not for taking a miss on the Reem fight it could be understood but it was purely an m1 attempt at protecting their golden goose.

M1 who 2016?
Anyone with half a brain is able to take these facts into consideration and arrive at the overly logical conclusion that Fedor isn't even in the running for GOAT.

So, you have come up with some facts, huh? Well, lets see...

- Out of his 36 career opponents, 21 of them were cans. That's 58% of his career spent fighting cans (I was exaggerating when I said 85%). When you spend the majority of your career fighting cans, you are not the GOAT. End of discussion.

Not a fact. That is an opinion based on your own made up definition of a can.

- Nut-huggers like to say "Oh but he went over a decade undefeated!". This is a lie. He didn't go 10 years undefeated,

Grasping at straws. Fedor`s loss to Koshaka can be considered even less legit than Jones` loss to Hamill, because Fedor`s cut was caused by an illegal strike. Fedor didnt break any rules, his opponent did. But if you want to hold on that straw and say only over a 9 year, so be it. Does not really make your argument look strong at all. It kinda makes you only look desperate, because you cant come up with anything better than that.

it wand the top heavyweights today could easily replicate such an undefeated record if the large majority of their opponents were also so lacklustre.

Not a fact, a opinion. A opinion based on ignorance and the lack of understanding of a simple math. Even if you give a fighter a 90% chance against EVERY opponent, not just "cans", Fedor faced during his winning streak, the probability of that fighter winning all those fights in a row, like Fedor did, would be extremely low. I can already tell you suck at math.

- Nut-huggers also like to say "He always fought at a size disadvantage!". This is yet another lie. Out of his 36 opponents, Fedor was only at a size disadvantage to 13 of them. That leaves 23 opponents that he was equal in size to or actually had a size advantage over.

It is also a fact that Fedor fought at a size disadvantage more often than, for example, Silva, Jones and GSP. This is actually a strong argument for Fedor being the GOAT, not the opposite. Im starting to feel sorry for you..

- His best wins are Nog, Cro Cop, Arlovski and Sylvia. Anyone who thinks that list qualifies you as GOAT is straight up retarded.

Not facts, opinions.

- He has embarrassing losses

Not a fact, opinion.

to people a supposed GOAT had no right losing to

Not a fact, opinion.

- He's making a mockery of his career now by fighting horribly unranked fighters and going to a pathetic organisation like Rizin after inferring that he wanted to fight in the UFC

Not facts, opinions.

Here's an example of the terrible competition..


Anyone with half a brain is able to take these facts into consideration and arrive at the overly logical conclusion that Fedor isn't even in the running for GOAT.

That is just sad to read, considering how your "fact filled" post just got crushed.

Is he the GOAT? No, not even in the running. And anyone who believes otherwise is a delusional moron.

TRT Hendo, not the same fighter off the sauce. Why do you think older men take TRT in the first place? Just for shits and giggles? It helped him as a fighter, plain and simple. "Ageless male". Hasn't been the same since.

Bigfoot didn't have an exemption but look at his physique in that fight. With the TRT ban, he looks completely different. With Strikeforces' laughable drug testing (overeem) and his prior usage it's not that controversial to say he was most likely on something. trt Bigfoot wasn't some unbeatable god but he was a formidable fighter.



Werdum got embarrassed his last fight but his resume speaks volumes about his skill and he is the top 3 HW all time.. Everyone loses... Stipe got his ass whooped by Struve

Sounds legit. Regardless Fedor did years of can crushing and turning down then he champ Reem to go on a 3 fight losing streak all by stoppage including a mw. Henderson seems to get a pass when it comes to the topic. Fight mw but not Reem. It just got played out for me. Yes good St one time but highly overrated and if not for can crushing he was exposed much sooner.
Lol you listed his opponents that he fought early in his career when he was just starting MMA. Do you realize Fedor was considered a nobody as well in RINGS? Tell me who he should have fought back then.

Keep trying to discredit the GOAT. You are just making yourself look worse every time you post on here.
I listed the opponents he's fought through the entirety of his career - beginning, middle, end. Your post couldn't have been more moronic/incorrect if you tried.
Good god man. Long enough post? Is it going to be in paperback?
Like Ali was in his prime when he lost to Berbick?
The fuck does ali have to do with Fedor.

Hey fedor had a lot of mileage but he was still young and not washed up. Thats a bs story that diehard blind fans want to come up with.
Fedor is the best fighter I'v ever seen. You had to be around then to understand this. You just knew you were witnessing something special when watching this guy fight. An undersized HW who could box, kick box, hit the brawl button if necessary, judo throw guys to the moon, beat the shit out of guys on the ground with the most violent GnP the sport had ever seen up until that point, and submit guys from his back with BJJ black belt like swiftness in his armlock technique.

On top of all of those skills, the way he put it all together and chained his attacks from strikes, to judo throws to GnP to submissions with incredible fluidity in each transition was something way ahead of where the sport was at the time, maybe 5-7 years ahead. Fedor's intensity and workrate was incredible to behold. He could go a whole 10 min first round at full throttle and still fight for 2 or 3 more rounds after that going all out. When he was in his peak he was as fierce as this sport has ever seen, he wasnt a guy who fought with a condom looking to play it safe and win points with the judges. He came out there to kill or to be killed and never took a step back once.

Fedor was checking a prime Mirko's low kicks like nothing and taking his liver kicks and head kicks and left straights right on the chin and still moving forward to outstrike him. I know that to new casual fans this may seem like nothing to be proud of but at that time that was absurd to see. This was 11 years ago so you have to wonder how many of the guys discrediting Fedor's win over Mirko were truly and passionately watching the sport then. The way Fedor got slammed on his neck by Randleman and reversed him seconds later and submitted him was something that makes me wonder how it would be marketed by the UFC and the machine they use today. Sitting in Nog's guard beating the life out of him when he was basically undefeated and the most feared ground fighter in the world. Swatting Arlovski out of the sky in the first round on Arlovski's best day. Beating Tim Sylvia as if he was a jobber bum in 30 seconds back when the UFC stans were saying that Fedor was ducking them.

Fedor's aura, his stonecold demeanor, his kindness, his humble attitude and respect for himself, other fighters and the sport in general. His degenerate Russian Mafia affiliated brother made him even more mysterious and people who saw him fight couldn't help but want to know more. All of these things make me wonder how it would have been if the UFC was the top dog org back then and Fedor singed with them in the early 2000s instead of Pride FC. How would they market him. How would they sell him. What his image would turn into with their machine put behind him.

When you think about it, everything about Fedor was unique and it was unique on its own with no major marketing machine fueling that. It derived from this buzz generated in a very niche market as opposed to the mainstream market the UFC operates in today. Pride didn't spend millions of marketing dollars on developing Fedor's star. They didn't shoot multi million dollar promos for him like the UFC did for Conor and Aldo. No Joe Rogan powered hypemachines where he sits in that dark room and tells millions of viewers that Ronda is a once in a lifetime fighter and telling them that she can beat up half of bantamweight MEN. Fedor wasnt from the twitter era where fighters had fake beefs to hype fights artificially and his content and likeness had a platform to generate instant followers by the masses.

Fedor had a self built mystique that wasn't force fed to the fans. His hype was as organic as it gets. Had the UFC been the top organization in the world when Fedor started fighting and signed with them instead of Pride FC, he would have had his run THERE and would have been one of if not the most beloved and decorated champions in UFC history with all of the hype, money and effort put into him as the UFC puts into hypejobs like Ronda and Sage Northcutt. Only with Fedor it would have been REAL. But he never fought in the UFC so the UFC used that same marketing and brand power to smear his name, image and accomplishments to where you have nerds on sherdog calling him "overrated" I think its truly amazing what he was able to build without that machine behind him when in reality that machine was in front of him. Smearing him with all its might.

The Real Fans know who the KING is. The real GOAT of mixfight. The Babe Ruth of our sport. It would be insane how iconic he would have been if he was in the UFC during his run. But for that the UFC would have to be the top fighting organization at that point which they werent.


Fedor Emelianenko.
HAHA the mods deleted my post cause they are Fedor nuthuggers