Law FBI raids home of Project Veritas Founder

I agree it’s weird. This whole thing is weird, that’s why it’s going to be one huge CT fest. I appreciate the level headedness (@SBJJ ) a few of you have had so far. I was surprised it’s been fairly civil.
Given what is known about this (very little) and also what we know about pages of the diary being used politically before the election...what strikes you as weird about this FBI raid?
This come across a lot like persecuting journalism like Wikileaks is being persecuted. At the same time the Pentagon Papers is seen as the defining example of journalism.
Now now , persecuting journalists is what's done to Jim Acosta , not the imprisonment of Julian Assange. Don't be a crazy right wing conspiracy theory nut.
So they raid everyone’s house that brings stolen goods across state boarders ?

I guess it depends. But to think for a second the POTUS is everyone. Who knows what details are in the Presidents daughter personal diary that could be used to blackmail her? Which would make that a NS threat?
To investigate criminals who evaded prosecution by passing over state lines?
More generally, to investigate criminal activity at the Federal level given you and I don't have the time to do it ourselves.

The immediate quibbling of the FBI raid in this instance is ridiculous and just partisan nonsense. When it comes out that this was a legitimate raid, based on a Trump DOJ initiated investigation, all the FBI deep state CTers will walk away whistling like they never questioned anything, looking for bamboo shards elsewhere.
this is ct bullshıt everything is trumps fault right wing terorist are menace to society.
biden is not a pedophile.
I have never seen him smell or touch children inappropriately.
we should publicly hang ct'ers because of their unforgivable acts.