Crime FBI ID's Zodiac Killer

the thing is that when you submit your blood through a confidential ancestry test through a Facebook controlled entity, they not only register you as a voter, but also submit your information to a nation database.

welcome to Biden’s ccp controlled America.
Jesus christ youre obsessed with sleepy joe.

The thread was about the zodiac killer.
the thing is that when you submit your blood through a confidential ancestry test through a Facebook controlled entity, they not only register you as a voter, but also submit your information to a nation database.

welcome to Biden’s ccp controlled America.
Wait I thought libs hated law and order and wanted to defund police and have homeless junkies doing patrol in neighborhoods ?! Aren’t repubs party of cops ?! I’m so confused .
A shame he's already so he can't defend himself or face some sort of justice if he's actually guilty

This is as pathetic as Chael Sonnen's "I know who DB Cooper is! Pay attention to me" videos.
This is pretty borderline in terms of being a War Room topic (although I see our posters are doing their best).
Isn't True Crime a Mayberry thing anymore?
This is pretty borderline in terms of being a War Room topic (although I see our posters are doing their best).
Isn't True Crime a Mayberry thing anymore?

True Crime threads have bee shunted from the Mayberry into the War Room before now. For example the ongoing one discussing serial killers who have been let out of jail early. It appears to be down to individual Mods rather than a hard and fast rule.
True Crime threads have bee shunted from the Mayberry into the War Room before now. For example the ongoing one discussing serial killers who have been let out of jail early. It appears to be down to individual Mods rather than a hard and fast rule.

This one wasn't moved, but there's been a couple lately. When there's obvious legal change that's being proposed or likely to result, policy implications, it impacts political campaigns or opinions on the case are sharply divided along partisan lines, it's definitely WR material, but otherwise...?
True Crime is more pop culture than politics.
The "inadequate law enforcement/investigation" angle is pretty marginal.
I mean sure, if you want your thread to be nasty and contentious regardless of topic, you've come to the right place.
This one wasn't moved, but there's been a couple lately. When there's obvious legal change that's being proposed or likely to result, policy implications, it impacts political campaigns or opinions on the case are sharply divided along partisan lines, it's definitely WR material, but otherwise...?
True Crime is more pop culture than politics.
The "inadequate law enforcement/investigation" angle is pretty marginal.
I mean sure, if you want your thread to be nasty and contentious regardless of topic, you've come to the right place.

I don't have a problem with these type of threads being in either the WR or the Mayberry. If a Thread interests me, I'll read iit wherever it's been posted. I was just pointing out it was down to the Mods to decide.
War room? I'll believe it when Brandon says it's him! And we kneel in African scarfs...

*But truthfully, I'll only believe it if Trump says so...