Favourite emotional scene in a movie?

This is my favourite scene from the movie.

When Jake goes to hit Beth and Nick stops him giving him the death stare. The look they exchange and Jake backs off. Then of course Jake goes absolutely fucking apeshit when he finds out what had happened to Grace.

I was going to post this movie, too. I get annoyed when it gets reduced to a few near fight scenes. It is a sad movie about the cycle of violence and dysfunction.
The end of Pan's Labyrinth when Ofelia dies (and, as a princess, returns to her homeland, if you want to view it that way) and gets to see her parents again. That scene always gets me right in the feels.

i ain't ain't into emotional shit because i ain't no queer.

Arnolds reaction when Sarah gives an affirmative answer. Heart wrenching.
I saw somebody putting a video of Star Wars episode 3 in the previous page...they were hating so I didnt pay attention from that movie I love when Obi Wan screams "YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE!!" before killing Anakin (supposedly) ....great fucking scene!
I saw somebody putting a video of Star Wars episode 3 in the previous page...they were hating so I didnt pay attention from that movie I love when Obi Wan screams "YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE!!" before killing Anakin (supposedly) ....great fucking scene!
I seriously hate the Special Child of Destiny trope.
The writing in those fucking films was some of the worst I've ever heard.
McGregor did what he could with the garbage he was given
Im surprised nobody has mentioned when Ash died and Pikachu revived him with his tear


I never watched Pokemon but I read that once in a thread like this and the silliness of the situation stuck in my mind... I mentioned it to a person who did watch Pokemon and confirmed how emotional it was lol

The moment in It's a Wonderful Life when George Bailey realizes he's still alive and that his life is pretty great
I hate good-byes (when you know that someone is not going to be part of your life anymore)


"Do you see that I am your friend? Can you see that you will always be my friend?"

"Im sorry Wilson...Im sorry!!" fucking A man.... only Tom Hanks can make you cry for a fucking volley ball!!
Powerful scene. All the emotional tension builds up to it rather nicely.

Also, how he doesn't die painfully from a massive jaw infection after the tooth scene, which was cringy to me because holy shit...