Favorite non-alcoholic drink

Just bought a colleague a Starbucks Christmas frap because of this. He always gives me stuff and gave me popcorn yesterday for election night viewing.
Don't really have a single favorite, but I drink a lot of water, several bio premium teas and fruit juices like this.


Also make a lot of shakes with a bunch of healthy stuff in it.
Currently, other half makes me strawberry milkshake in a Star Wars growler for work which I glug down with lunch.
I’d say overall though vanilla Starbucks. Frappuccino
I got the vanilla frappuccino once a long time ago & I thought it tasted exactly like a vanilla milkshake. If I go to Starbucks I usually get a flat white or if I want something sweet I'll get an ice white chocolate mocha.
Water for me
If I’m going gay then a classic Monster
Tea, hot or iced, green or black (as long as there's no weird artificial flavor)

Lemonade, more sour than sweet

Sometimes I will get really crazy and mix the two.

...Oh boy, I gotta go lay down for a bit...
Mountain Dew sadly but lately is the ocean spray raspberry cran
Love me some vanilla coke, grape fanta, and melon soda. Also the watermelon and arnold palmer arizonas are like crack.

Usually drink a lot of coffee too but been drinking more tea lately
Unsweetened ice tea and water.

I like a rootbeer once in awhile.

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