Favorite fast food restaurant?

I can't do it anymore generally. I was out with my kids and nephew a few weeks back and we stopped by Wendy's for dinner. The people behind the counter were just real bottom rung types , didn't seem to be anyone there that gave half a shit about any kind professionalism ( I know its Wendy's , but come on....your still at work) . Maybe I'm getting more OCD as I get older , but the cashier was rubbing his eyes and scratching his ears while making drinks and putting our stuff together. Questionable shit can happen anywhere , but the laiszze fare atmosphere that seems to be the norm at those places just bothers the shhit out of me know for some reason. The guy at the nicer place might be skipping the hand washing too sure ,but that perception just sucks any enjoyment right out of it. I'd rather make my own food.

5 guys and the like don't seem to be nearly as bad so ill go with them.
Don't really eat fast food anymore but it has to be In N Out
Firehouse Subs
Penn Station Subs
Out of the obvious popular places, I enjoy Hardee's (east coast Carl's Jr) and Wendy's. I love cheese burgers though, it's probably my favorite food. And The baconator from Wendy's hits the spot.
Chick-fil-A. Shit's legit and I couldn't care less about the CEO's politics.
Well for straight up fast food probably Wendy's, there are a few that serve breakfast atound here whick isn't too common and its decent enough, also they make a solid burger and spicy chicken sandwich ftw.

Close second is Sonic.

For fast-casual I do love Noodles and Co. or Panera.

Five guys can suck a ddick.