Movies Favorite Co Star: Pesci vs Duvall vs Walken

Favoritet Co Star

  • Christopher Walken

  • Robert Duvall

  • Joe Pesci

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The Good The Bad The HBK

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Apr 6, 2020
Reaction score

Christopher Walken


Deer Hunter
True Romance
Batman Returns
Man on Fire
Seven Psychopaths

Robert Duvall


Apocalypse Now
The Natural
Falling Down
Open Range

Joe Pesci


Raging Bull
Home Alone
Lethal Weapon 2

My pick: I love all 3 but in order I'd go Duvall, Walken, Pesci
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It's got to be Duvall. That list doesn't even include The Conversation, True Grit, The Killer Elite, MASH, Bullitt, To Kill a Mockingbird, Network, Days of Thunder, The Road, Sling Blade, etc.
Pesci probably has the best standout role in Goodfellas. But Duvall has a greater body of work and is one of the greatest to ever do it.
Duvall is the best actor of them all, but I gotta go with Pesci. Adds such a spice of life to everything he's in, even in his Tales of the Crypt episode.

Dude should've played Jar Jar Binks, would've made the movie.
Pesci ad the best characters but I think Duvall better actor overall........ neither Pesci or Duval stole a scene like Walken could.
Of the three, Duvall doesn't stand out for me so he probably is the best co-star.
Pesci, Walken, Duvall.

Duvall's just one of those guys I never quite understood the hype for. He's in a lot of huge, influential movies over many decades but maybe I was just too young for his prime or something. When I think about him I think about relatively bland characters that are all kind of similar. Granted I've seen nowhere near all of his movies. I haven't even seen two of his movies listed in the OP.

When I think about Pesci I bring to mind classic, memorable scenes from Casino, Goodfellas and even Home Alone. Walken brings to mind unforgettable scenes from Pulp Fiction and Deer Hunter.

Duvall probably has the longest, most respectable/serious career, but for impact and unforgettableness of characters, it's Pesci for me in a clear 1st place with Walken a respectable 2nd and Duvall way behind.
Robert Duvall in Colors is one of my favorite performances of all time
Theyre obviously all great but this is an easy choice for me
The younger audience remembers Duvall in his Bruckheimer / 90s form which was awesome but I'm thinking the older crowd knows his 70s and 80s shit is up there at the pinnacle of acting whereas Pesci was legendary but kind of a one trick pony
Pesci, Duvall, and Walken

But I think Pesci and Duvall are basically interchangeable here.
Poll feels pretty empty without Morgan Freeman.
Duvall for me.

All great actors, tough choice.
Got to be Pesci…but I’ll never forgive whoever wrote Lethal Weapon 4 for having him be Chris Rock’s bitch in that movie. I know Lethal Weapon Joe Pesci is different from Scorsese movie Joe Pesci, but it just rings false
Pesci probably the greatest co-star you can ever have. De Niro would know best.