Fat from supplements and dieting???


Black Belt
Apr 24, 2002
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ok im 26 5'10 and am pushing 250 now... I am taking training and dieting in steps. I lift and do some cardio. I am trying to get to about 220 but still have muscle mass. So just for info thats the stats on me and what amount of fat I want to loose.

So far I am taking in about 20grams of fat a day and drinking lots of water. I feel pretty good and have lost 8 pounds in the last two weeks. Thing is that I am now going to add supplements to my diet. I'm pretty big so I imagine that my heart/vascular system could use the fish oil capsules. I am also taking a low carb/calorie protein.

6 fish caps a day..............=6g of fat a day
3 servings of protein a day=6g of fat a day if taken with water

This would put me up into the mid 30 for fat grams a day. Will this hinder my fat loss much?

I'm taking the protein to keep from loosing muscle along with the fat. Also my mind is kind of off tilt and have had problems with anxiety/depression and have heard that the fish oil is good for that along with heart benefits.

Thanks for any info you can give me.
Congrats on the weight loss. Do you have any idea how many calories you are taking in a day? Because you don't seem to be getting a lot from fat. Things like nuts (apart from peanuts), seeds, olive oil, eggs etc should be added to your diet. Aim to get around 1/3 of your cals from protein, 1/3 from fats and 1/3 from carbs. Start off there and see how you go. Nutrient timing is also very important, complex carbs (oats, brown rice, sweet potatoes) should only be eaten twice during the day: first thing in the morning and post workout. Carbs late at night tend to disrupt your release of growth hormone, so low carb snacks before bed are ideal. My last snack at night is usually almonds, macadamia's, olive oil, flax, pumpkin seeds etc. Also, this should go without saying, but I hope you have thrown out the white bread/rice/flour.
Eat vegetables with every meal, drink some green tea and stay on the fish oil. I don't see the need for any additional supplements except greens, ZMA and a protein:carb drink during your workout. Good luck.
There's no way you're going to get fat off of the fat that you're getting in your fish oil capsules or your shakes, plain and simple. Just remember, if you want to continue your weight loss always make sure you're burning more than you're taking in. If you have a clean diet, this shouldn't be a problem! But yeah, not all fats will make you a chunk! Also, if you are getting fats, make sure they're poly or monounsaturated, and never saturated. Those are the "Bad fats"
if u totally cut off all fat your body will start hoarding it and youll find losing fat to be pretty hard

the fat u do take in should be of the healthy kind, namely fish oil caps

gluck homey
Excessive calorie intake without adequate exercise is what causes fat gain, not the consumption of fat.
Congrats on the weight loss. Do you have any idea how many calories you are taking in a day? Because you don't seem to be getting a lot from fat. Things like nuts (apart from peanuts), seeds, olive oil, eggs etc should be added to your diet. Aim to get around 1/3 of your cals from protein, 1/3 from fats and 1/3 from carbs. Start off there and see how you go. Nutrient timing is also very important, complex carbs (oats, brown rice, sweet potatoes) should only be eaten twice during the day: first thing in the morning and post workout. Carbs late at night tend to disrupt your release of growth hormone, so low carb snacks before bed are ideal. My last snack at night is usually almonds, macadamia's, olive oil, flax, pumpkin seeds etc. Also, this should go without saying, but I hope you have thrown out the white bread/rice/flour.
Eat vegetables with every meal, drink some green tea and stay on the fish oil. I don't see the need for any additional supplements except greens, ZMA and a protein:carb drink during your workout. Good luck.

Not really sure on the calorie intake...Most of my diet comes from chicken breast, tuna, vegies, and some carbs like pasta, which I tend to take early in the day.

Because of the anxiety I can't take to much caffeine like those found in tea, any other subs that can help me burn fat without speeding up my heart rate to much?

again thanks for the advice.
nothing wrong with saturated fat its trans fats you want to aviod. Spilt the 3 fats equally. Dont vastly undereat like ppl have said your body will store fat. Pleanty of water carbs morning & post W/O and good luck!!!