Niels, I take pride in being worldy like with geography and names and shit. Are you a Dane or Norwegian per chance? I'm guessing Danish but second would be Norwegian. If not I apologize for being ignorant.
Secondly I have to call you out on this sentence, esp the bolded. I and a few others are Wilder fanboys, but the whole knock on Wilder is that he has no fans, lol, so I have to take umbridge with that statement. Wlad fans are way more prevalent, not that he doesn't get his fair share of hate as well, but compared to Wilder he is a rockstar.
And he's bangin Hayden Panatierre [sp?] is Wlad's winning at life, i just wanted to mention that b/c she is super fine and unfortunately had to push one of his babies out, she's like 5' nothing and he's got those Ukrainian chernobyl genes. I hope the baby was more of a Hayden build and less of a Wlad build, at least for her sake. I'm hoping it's a giant version of Wlad except with a better chin and stamina. That kid would be close to unbeatable.
Anyway to answer your question, it's hard to say b/c AJ and Wilder have different styles but despite being a hugger of Deontay's I would favor him mostly b/c of his power and Wlad's chin not being what AJ's is.
When you watch that fight Wlad was so tentative after initially going for the kill b/c he was so afraid of gassing himself (a common theme from Wlad in the latter part of his career) that it allowed AJ to recover and I'd assume it would allow Wilder to recover as well. Wilder has a cannon for a right hand he might very well have been able to finish a wounded Wlad when AJ was not. The problem is Deontay obv gets wild at times and there's also a good chance Wlad caught him like he did with AJ. Problem is, as mentioned, Wlad isn't a guy who chases the kill that long so it gives the younger guys with less mileage a better chance to recover and get their shit together.
I'd favor Deontay but very slightly. I think that power in his right could end what AJ almost ended and I think Wlad's lack of going for the finish that hard and for a fairly short amount of time would allow Wilder to recover and get another chance just like AJ did.