F.C.C. Repeals Net Neutrality Rules... Thanks Trump.

So Obama didn't appoint him, got it. Ajit was probably a different person back then.
Is this the new marching orders? Try to “BUT OBAMA” when Pai’s term expired before he did this, but Trump appointed him and made him chairman?

No, the Republicans OWN this. 80% of the country is against it and all Republican officials care about is servicing their donors. Look at what the heated dissents of the Dem commissioners. Look at the blatant bullshit peddled by the Repubs.

Pai is Trump’s chairman, Trump also has stated he opposes net neutrality. End of story.
He appointed him to server from march 2012 to march 2017.

This vote happened in Dec 2017, so no, Trump didnt "promoted him".

Trump gave him the seat of Tom Wheeler a Democrat thus making the FCC majority republican.
So Obama appointed him and Trump took Obama's boy and put him in a higher position, which is not a promotion. Got it.
oh I'm not arguing FOR it, i'm just wondering if it will be as BAD as others are implying

that's all

I live in the middle of nowhere, w/ 1 internet provider (well for cable, we have one for DSL for the satellite people too) which is TWC/Spectrum. As of now, their services are great, so I hope it doesn't change

If you don't think anything will be different, then why would corporations spend millions on getting this overturned? The cost to pay off these politicians will be made up somewhere - aka the consumers.
So Obama appointed him and Trump took Obama's boy and put him in a higher position, which is not a promotion. Got it.
Read the damn thread before spouting your handpicked talking points. Obama, as is custom, appointed the recommendation of the senate minority leader, McConnell. McConnell picked him. Obama put him in as a minority member where he couldn’t do any damage.
Read the damn thread before spouting your handpicked talking points. Obama, as is custom, appointed the recommendation of the senate minority leader, McConnell. McConnell picked him. Obama put him in as a minority member where he couldn’t do any damage.
Fair enough, I'll look into it. Perhaps my perspective is incorrect. I'm not repeating talking points, I'm not a rightie.

Did Obama have no say in the matter?
You find one of the lines upstream from an ISP and purchase an access point on it. It's what the ISP's do themselves.
HAHA what? Do you have any idea how the internet works? There is no way to obtain an external IP to communicate with other ISP's and networks. The ISP's themselves own all of the external IP addresses and the last external IP was purchased about about 15 years ago. When you get home internet you are given one of these external IP's which allow your private network to communicate with every other external network. You cant just "hack" into an ISP. If your talking about leasing a line streight from a point of presence, again the ISP's own those so good luck. Its not like stealing power or cable dude.
I wonder if democrats will keep the repeal of net neutrality and just add a federal sales tax (increase) to it. Should be a good revenue generator for them.

Also, 2600 ISP's (including resellers, fixed wireless and satellite) in the US. You will find wholesale buyers will look to provide all you can eat services to compete.

And Ka Band (inmarsat ) satellite broadband offers a great product despite misconceptions. Only delivery method that vast majority of users get faster than advertised speed by almost 50 percent.
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Pretty sure he could have told McConnell to kick rocks until he brought someone who wasn't a telecom attorney...just saying

Ummm no. It had to be a non-Democrat so McConnel got his choice. At the time it was 3-2 Democrats and each person on the board voted within their party lines. Dems voted for net neutrality and Pubs voted the other way. Once Trump presidency started, it is traditional for FCC chairman (Tom Wheeler) to step down when a new administration comes in (unless the new President wishes to retain that person) so Wheeler left and Ajit got promoted, Brenda Carr stepped in Ajit's spot for a 3-2 Pub majority and that's how net neutrality died.

It's amusing to note that even though most of us (general public is totally against getting rid of net neutrality - high 80s) the only people who are voting against in the FCC are Republicans.

But yeah nice try blaming it on the Obama.. lol
Fair enough, I'll look into it. Perhaps my perspective is incorrect. I'm not repeating talking points, I'm not a rightie.

Did Obama have no say in the matter?
I apologize for the harsh tone earlier, then.

Obama could theoretically have withheld his nomination from the minority leader’s chosen appointee, but that would be breaking with custom and to very little benefit. Note that all 3 Republican commissioners voted for this - it probably didn’t matter that Pai specifically was in charge, except that he’s egregiously dishonest and aggressive in his attempts to service the ISPs.
Fuck Trump and the FCC and the GOPe!

But I'll have nothing bad to say about Comcast, Verizon or ATT IF they decide to throttle, charge per tier, etc.
I wonder if democrats will keep net neutrality and just add a federal sales tax (increase) to it. Should be a good revenue generator for them.

Also, 2600 ISP's (including resellers, fixed wireless and satellite) in the US. You will find wholesale buyers will look to provide all you can eat services to compete.

And Ka Band (inmarsat ) satellite broadband offers a great product despite misconceptions. Only delivery method that vast majority of users get faster than advertised speed by almost 50 percent.

Just what?

How would you tax net neutrality? How do you tax an industry standard? This is gibberish. And satellite broadband is not suitable for video streaming which makes it a poor competitor to cable / fiber internet.
So Obama appointed him and Trump took Obama's boy and put him in a higher position, which is not a promotion. Got it.

Trumptards are hilarious.

This is what you voted for, get over it.
It's a fact that he appointed him and Trump promoted him, you can perceive others noting fact that however you like.

why don't u read the last few post and understand how it was a Republican choice the whole way?

So Obama didn't appoint him, got it. Ajit was probably a different person back then.

The only difference was he was probably a few years younger. He (along with the other Republican) have always voted against net neutrality.


Any more excuses or reason to blame anyone else but Republicans for this bullshit?
I apologize for the harsh tone earlier, then.

Obama could theoretically have withheld his nomination from the minority leader’s chosen appointee, but that would be breaking with custom and to very little benefit. Note that all 3 Republican commissioners voted for this - it probably didn’t matter that Pai specifically was in charge, except that he’s egregiously dishonest and aggressive in his attempts to service the ISPs.
This was informative, thanks.

Trumptards are hilarious.

This is what you voted for, get over it.

I loathe him and didn't vote for him, in fact I'm probably further left than a lot of people, I'm just not afraid of criticizing both sides. I don't have a team mentality despite being what would be considered far left. I've supported and given money to the Justice Democrats, for example.

ChainFlow educated me on how and why Obama appointed him, which is actually useful information which altered my perspective. You ignorantly called names without really explaining anything. I put you in the same category as people who say 'libtard'.
why don't u read the last few post and understand how it was a Republican choice the whole way?

The only difference was he was probably a few years younger. He (along with the other Republican) have always voted against net neutrality.


Any more excuses or reason to blame anyone else but Republicans for this bullshit?
Why don't you read the last few posts.
Libertarians tell me we're ok because markets always correct for stuff like this and competition will drive prices down guys!

Free markets for the motherfucking win!
Libertarians tell me we're ok because markets always correct for stuff like this and competition will drive prices down guys!

Free markets for the motherfucking win!
A common argument I've heard is that less regulation = more competition, and yet it seems a lot of regulation promotes competition (not saying all regulation is good), and as we've seen over the last few decades, deregulation has concentrated corporate power and actually seems to make the market less free.
