


do any of you guys have poor eyesight? Do you just fight/spar a little blurry. Im curious how people with mediocre eye sight do. I know this is a dumb question but my eyes are starting to go to shit.
How old are you and how poor is your eyesight? You can spar in your gym as long as you make it clear to your buddies that your eyesight is poor so you want to just go easy. But competition is most likely out of the question.
My eyesight is pretty poor, I wear contact lenses and used to take them out when sparring but now I leave them in as I was getting hit too easy. Just keep a spare set in case one gets knocked out, which can happen :eek:P
desertbake said:

My mother had Lasik surgery done and said it was fantastic except she had to wear these cheesy goggles for a while after :D
I wear disposable contacts, so when I spar and lose one, it's not as expensive as regular contacts.
One of my longtime training buddies had lasik done recently and I've become a believer. Will have it done soon.
desertbake said:

no. You can't take repeated hard hits to the head after having lasik or any eye surgery. So it defeats the purpose of having the surgery
DKM76 said:
no. You can't take repeated hard hits to the head after having lasik or any eye surgery. So it defeats the purpose of having the surgery

My doc only told me to be careful the first couple of months because of the healing process. He said nothing about taking it easy forever. The only danger I could forsee is due to them shaving tissue off your cornea (I think the cornea, but I'm drunk right now so it might not be the correct word) and it becoming thin so that damage would be worse, but my doc told me I had a super thick cornea meaning I could have the surgery done at least one more time in case my eyes ever got bad again, so I'm not worried about it.

Plus, I've been smacked in the eye jard a couple times since the surgery when I played rugby and my eye sight is still fine.

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