Eyes tests for PEDs don't work. Smell tests are the new wave.


May 4, 2013
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Everyone seems to be obsessed with calling out fighters who are muscular and shredded. There's this long standing stupid idea that people can't get big and ripped without PEDs.

I'll admit I've been one of these people. From the very first moment I saw guys like Palhares and Lombard, I just refused to believe those guys were clean.

But after spending the last few months hitting the gym hard and meeting some guys who are serious lifters, I've come to find out how wrong I was.

You can get pretty fucking huge without touching a drop of juice. In fact, I know a few dudes who would make Lombard and Palhares look like Cody Mckenzie but have never used PEDs.

So what else have learned?

It turns out that a better way to do an unofficial test for PEDs is to smell a fighter. Yes, like literally sniff their body odor.

This guy I met at the gym named Humberto tipped me off. He said that guys who use testosterone or straight up anabolic roids smell like copper when they sweat. He's open about his steroid use but I never noticed his odor until he made that revelation. Whenever I greet him in the gym now when he's been working out for a while, I've noticed he smells like a bag of pennies.

And what's worse is that I've started to notice a coppery stench at my BJJ academy once guys start rolling and building up a sweat.

So yeah. Stop speculating about which fighters are on PEDs based on how they look. But if you somehow are in a position where you can interact with a fighter whether in the gym or after a fight, and you notice a metallic or copper-like smell then.......make up your own mind is all I'm saying
Are you telling me to start smelling guys that look ripped?
This is a whole new level of gayness, even for Sherdog standards.
Sounds like "ketosis smell". It's a real thing. Breath. Sweat. Everything. Be around enough body builders prepping for a show (if they use ketogenic dieting) and you'll know what I mean. Even the natural guys.
You are right. They should have an official ufc dude smeller.

It wouldn't even have to pay, most fans would just love to smell their favorite fighters. At worst, maybe offer tickets to the fight, or have a drawing for potential smellers from a pool of super fans. Make a fun event out of it.
Professional Armpit Smeller

would make a hell of a name card
I'm pretty sure that's what Rogan's doing between the fighters during the state down.
Matt Lindland would be a good person to smell the fighters.
You are right. They should have an official ufc dude smeller.

It wouldn't even have to pay, most fans would just love to smell their favorite fighters. At worst, maybe offer tickets to the fight, or have a drawing for potential smellers from a pool of super fans. Make a fun event out of it.
good job for touchy feely girl or eye ball girl. they could even take turns
so Humberto said sniff his and the other lifters balls to detect bad odors? fucking Humberto he saw you coming a mile
Frank just eat some kangaroo meat. They feed those kangaroos with horse meat in Australia.
I think it would be more effective if you did this while playing with their toes n shit.
Mousasi looks like he smells bad, he might get false accused of juicing under this test
If I had to pick a fighter who I thought would probably smell bad, Mousasi wouldn't be my first choice.

Maybe off season Ronda?