Evolution... Your take.

s karlyle

Jun 30, 2008
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Do you all believe the current story of evolution? Do you believe in evolution at all?

I've been independently researching evolution. Before I thought it was a stupid idea. Now I find it very interesting. The way the idea is presented in mainstream media made me not think it was true. But the more I research the more it makes sense.
Lord, if you exist, have mercy, for yet another evolution thread is upon us and shall descend into the depths of Arks, frogs turning into dogs unobserved, found-again toys and flat earth theory
Lord, if you exist, have mercy, for yet another evolution thread is upon us and shall descend into the depths of Arks, frogs turning into dogs unobserved, found-again toys and flat earth theory
So... That would be a no??
6/10 troll thread. It would have been better if you added religious references and stuff about crocaducks.
Lord, if you exist, have mercy, for yet another evolution thread is upon us and shall descend into the depths of Arks, frogs turning into dogs unobserved, found-again toys and flat earth theory

This should be good. Time to invoke the holy trinity of people who still believe in the boogeyman.
Flat earth theory is pseudo science. Evolution is generally accepted in the scientific world. Dont know how you can compare the two.
Can we wasteland this? We've had this same thread a million times with the same results.
6/10 troll thread. It would have been better if you added religious references and stuff about crocaducks.
I almost said something mean and rude to you. But I'll just say this is not a troll thread it a genuine inquiry.
Macro evolution is not something I believe in. There is no proof of one kind of animal turning into another kind of animal.
Evolution is a mechanism which is currently causing compounding changes to genomes. This is an undeniable fact.

Whether or not evolution alone gave rise to the genetic diversity of life on earth is anyone’s guess. It is supported by dna based phylogenetic trees and the fossil record, but extraterrestrials or some other as-of-yet unknown physical process could have interferred with the process, or biased its results. That can't really be confirmed or denied.
Evolution only or adaptation?
Macro evolution is not something I believe in. There is no proof of one kind of animal turning into another kind of animal.
Thats not how evolution works. Thats what I am saying. There seems to be a lot misinformation asscociated with the subject.
Hmmmm What do you mean sir??

Adaptation = a change or the process of change by which an organism or species becomes better suited to its environment. "living in groups is an adaptation that increases the efficiency of hunting"

Are you lumping adaptation in with evolution?
I almost said something mean and rude to you. But I'll just say this is not a troll thread it a genuine inquiry.
Well if you're serious, keep studying the theory of evolution. It is a brilliant (yet simple) explanation as to why we have diversity of life on this planet. It's probably one of the most important scientific discoveries in history. In terms of whether it's true or not, there are mountains of evidence spanning across various disciplines of science. It's as close to scientific fact as there is.

If you're trolling you need to do better!