Ever met your breaking point?


Steel Belt
Dec 7, 2011
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Ever been in that state of mind where you might just absolutely fucking lose it at any moments notice? Might carve a strangers face up just because they give you a tough guy look? Might riddle your neighbors car with bullet holes just because they took your parking spot? Might call your own family members fucking cunts just because you are not dealing with their shit today?

Have you? Have you?
That's pretty much my default state.

You cunt.
No, but then again I also don't have to preplan my drinking around meetings because I'd be too hungover, but I'm not sure how anger management coincides with this philosophy

Everytime I don't think I have my shit together, I come on sherdog and my confidence is instantly lifted
No, but then again I also don't have to preplan my drinking around meetings because I'd be too hungover, but I'm not sure how anger management coincides with this philosophy

Everytime I don't think I have my shit together, I come on sherdog and my confidence is instantly lifted
stfu you skinnyfat dweeb
Jeez just rub one out it'll solve most your issues.
Ever been in that state of mind where you might just absolutely fucking lose it at any moments notice? Might carve a strangers face up just because they give you a tough guy look? Might riddle your neighbors car with bullet holes just because they took your parking spot? Might call your own family members fucking cunts just because you are not dealing with their shit today?

Have you? Have you?
y u mad tho
I've hit the fuck this shit, I'm going to cut my losses, and move the fuck on point.

I'm a low testosterone type of guy, however, so losing my temper and stuff like that never happens.
I went to boot camp, and learned that most people who reach that breaking point quickly, break.

The toughest, most dangerous sounding guy, the week 1 quitter.
I did once, but I'm not inclined to explode with anger, I'll admit when I broke I cried. This was, almost six years ago. I made a move for a good job(maybe even career worthy), met a nice girl, about 9 months in got laid off, got broken up with, went broke, contacted my parents for help..and they couldn't, had some friends let me crash at their place while I tried to find a job and figure things out. Then around the 2 month point I got a $8.50 security officer job, just so I could keep afloat, went back to my friends place to share the news...and they said "that's good, because my sister needs a place to stay, so you need to be out by the end of the month." So, after the almost 4 month ass kicking that life sent my way, I finally had a sliver of "success", thinking I had a month or two to try and build a little "safety net" financially, and instead I had $15 to my name, and 1 incoming paycheck before I was out on my ass.

Which in hindsight, I mean shit happens, and I get it. The timing of that news, after a long string of "defeat", with the layoff, relationship, running low on $, the job hunt process, interviews and being so close with 2nd and 3rd interviews, only to be told "no thank you" ect. To finally reach something that wasn't a career but it was money , and immediately being told you may be homeless in 30 days was too overwhelming. I remember thinking, finally I had something, and after all that time and luck...I could potentially have to go crawling back to my parents begging, because I didn't have a place to live. Thus making all of that stress over the last few months amount to nothing... it was beyond devastating.
I did once, but I'm not inclined to explode with anger, I'll admit when I broke I cried. This was, almost six years ago. I made a move for a good job(maybe even career worthy), met a nice girl, about 9 months in got laid off, got broken up with, went broke, contacted my parents for help..and they couldn't, had some friends let me crash at their place while I tried to find a job and figure things out. Then around the 2 month point I got a $8.50 security officer job, just so I could keep afloat, went back to my friends place to share the news...and they said "that's good, because my sister needs a place to stay, so you need to be out by the end of the month." So, after the almost 4 month ass kicking that life sent my way, I finally had a sliver of "success", thinking I had a month or two to try and build a little "safety net" financially, and instead I had $15 to my name, and 1 incoming paycheck before I was out on my ass.

Which in hindsight, I mean shit happens, and I get it. The timing of that news, after a long string of "defeat", with the layoff, relationship, running low on $, the job hunt process, interviews and being so close with 2nd and 3rd interviews, only to be told "no thank you" ect. To finally reach something that wasn't a career but it was money , and immediately being told you may be homeless in 30 days was too overwhelming. I remember thinking, finally I had something, and after all that time and luck...I could potentially have to go crawling back to my parents begging, because I didn't have a place to live. Thus making all of that stress over the last few months amount to nothing... it was beyond devastating.

When it rains it pours bro. If this doesn't kill you, it's definitely going to make you a stronger, wiser human being . Godspeed and good luck sir. At least you'll always have the Gayberry. Unless you forget to pay your internet bill or something.
Nope always been pretty level headed. I've always been more of a pour a little sugar in your gas tank every day for the next five years than the shoot up your car right now type
Yeah I’m 2008 got laid off work after dropping most of my savings on a house, ended up working multiple jobs to make ends meet, stocking lumber at nights at Home Depot, working the bar at an Applebee’s in my neighborhood, even flipping burgers McDonald’s, putting in 60-70 hour weeks of that shit because I was determined not to go down like a bitch.

During that time ~ about 6 months, had a rough breakup with a girl I’d been with a few years, my cat died and I didn’t even have enough $$$ or free time to go tommy buddies wedding.

It was fucking brutal but eventually I got back to working a real job, the savings started happening again, never missed a payment on the house and things started coming together. I almost cracked but cracking is for bitches and I ain’t no bitch.
Several times. Had 2 mental breakdowns in my early 20's, when the crazy was still extra strong. Had another one when I basically lost everything at age 31, when I thought shit was finally coming together. And I've had several rage incidents this year, because I live in scumbag central. I'm actually mildly surprised I haven't ended up in jail yet, but fortunately 99% of the people are complete pussies where I live. So it doesn't escalate to actual violence.
Breaking point comes after this.
I was stuck in a part of the country I hated doing a job I hated, no family or friends that could help and a house that would not sell. I had the option of losing 70k on the house or keep grinding until it sold an I could escape. I grinded for 3years because I’m a stubborn cunt.
First came the anger, then came apathy, then came sadness and drinking.
All good now though. It worked out in the end
Can you imagine a time in your life where you almost cracked? now imagine that time in a parallel universe where you did crack, how do you think the outcome would play out? and do you believe in destiny? why am I countering your question with questions of my own? maybe in another dimension I answered your question, so in this one I chose not to.
You seem to have a lot of emotional breakdowns ha