ever "choke" (as in nerves) right before the sub?


Brown Belt
Dec 18, 2003
Reaction score
Ive had this problem a few times and it really gets me steamed afterwards and it happened again today. Basically whenever im facing somebody really good when rolling and I pull something off perfectly and Im on the threshold of subbing them... I sorta freeze up/hesitate and they escape.

example : today I rolled w/ this guy who is really good and i went for an oma plata to sweep but he saw it comming so i swung my leg back and over his shoulder - getting him right into a triangle. I thought "oh shit.. this is perfect...imma sub this fool.. cant believe it" so i start to lock the figure-four in and i dunno where i go wrong but it's like.... i just hesitate.

I lock it in and I start to think "damn is it locked in enough? lemme lock it in more... no wait it's fine.... wait what should I do now.." when I should be thrusting up w/ my pelvis and pulling on the head. Such a simple set of moves to do when you got that figure four but It seems to all go out the window when im there.

by this time - he has managed to escape the triangle cuz ive given him too much time to think instead of going for the kill - which is what i need to work on.

any of you have this problem or ever expereince something similar? It's like a head game u know? I bet if I thought of the guy like anybody else then i would have slapped that shit on so fast.
I do this all the time with the triangle.
I have really short legs and feel like its never locked in right.
By this time he stands I gotta grab a leg and one hand isnt enough for me to pull the head down.
yea i know what youre talking about. just get in the habit of moving even faster when you see the sub coming. Drills are great for learning to NOT use your mind. When you have a technique really down, drill it fast, so when you spar your body just moves, and you dont think "oh man, just gotta tighten up my legs a little more" or whatever.
last class i went for an armbar on this guy, who trains fairly shorter than me, anyways, he defender, and i got him in a good triangle position, high guard, one arm in. I knew it immediatly, even before everyone was shouting triangle triangle!
anyways, my triangle drills always go perfect and smooth, and now i had to switch the ankles first to get the figure four, i couldn't get it properly sunk, because i forgot to pull my own shin. when i pulled me own shin, i forgot to keeep his arm tight to my chest.
He defended like 2-3 times, and i should have gotten him, because i had 2 resets on the sub pretty much.

I felt so crap after that lol.
Luckily not all was lost, as i pulled off a guillotine on a very strong guy, who's on bluebelt level (still white like me but he armbarred a purple that class)
what it probably means is that the guy really is better then you and just waits for you to do something and counters it...
kimurense said:
what it probably means is that the guy really is better then you and just waits for you to do something and counters it...

no this isnt it , trust me. He's good but I he did not expect me to slap that triangle on the way i did and was very close to sinking it in. Reminds me of some Verissimo's MMA fights with hughes and trigg. At least he has an excuse tho cuz he was gettin hit in the face the whole time.

btw he ended up owning me after he got out that triangle.....bastard.
deadcrow27 said:
I do this all the time with the triangle.
I have really short legs and feel like its never locked in right.
By this time he stands I gotta grab a leg and one hand isnt enough for me to pull the head down.

btw this happened to me too when i had that triangle on. But i just grabbed the leg, controlled my breathing and held on till he got tired. but this is how he escaped... picture him standing up w/ me hanging from his neck and grabbin his leg... then he flings himself back ...and we end up in the position of a mounted triangle(thought i was ok here too) - but then he did some weird other shit that rolled me on my stomach -forcing my figure four to break.
It sometimes happens to me, when I grapple with someone that's a lot better, that when I get an oppurtunity to catch him in a submission, I think like: "this feels too easy, he's probably just baiting me and is gonna counter me if I try to get the sub." and I hesitate and he gets out. It's just a stupid habit of course and what you have to do is just to shake it by training a lot on being ruthless (in a good way) and not hesitating. Don't think, act :).
better than being one of the suckers who slap the armbar on like WHAM and your elbow is gone and you cant train for four weeks.
one thing that helps, and something I need to do more off, is drill the movement repeatedly. From setup to finish as one smooth series of movements. Drill them almost to the point where it's laughable. That way in your mind, and muscle memory, there's no distinct separation of movements.

personally, I think that when you learn a technique, it's broken down into stages, and you sort of move through them at a broken pace. Step 1 step 2 etc. There's almost a noticeble pause between each "step." Resulting in this sort of hesitation when you try and execute during sparring.
I hit Genki Sudo's flying guardpass/mounted triangle once, but when I actually landed it I was so amazed that I just sat there and started laughing, and the dude escaped.
Well I was a dick today( not on purpose) :redface:
Last week I was hesitating too much on my arm bar from mount and they kept escaping,
so today i didnt think just acted and heard a pop im my friends elbow with the same armbar.
I didnt even have it hyperextended yet. I guess it was the momentum of the spin.
But he was saying "I know what your trying to do" right before I did it.
Work on your defense. Your offense will get better. I go for ridiculous moves on white belts and low level blue belts (like flying anything, usually from knees or half kneeling, I'm not that crazy.) just 'effing around because I know if I get into a bad spot I can get out. In that way you become fearless. Conversely, your offense is our best defense. Keep attacking and your opponent will keep defending.

I know what you mean. I used to feel that way. Now when I get to a potential submission I start salivating and seeing BLOOD!!!!! Dominate your opponent!!!!!!!!! Impose your will!!!!!!!!

If you mess up and get caught.........Oh well....Tap.....This isn't your day job. You're just doing this for fun.
Mirada said:
I hit Genki Sudo's flying guardpass/mounted triangle once, but when I actually landed it I was so amazed that I just sat there and started laughing, and the dude escaped.

lol, now that is a great story.