Evaluate my Shadowboxing

It looks like ur shootin up...like you're fightin someone taller then you...which i dunno if that is a problem or no...looks good though...But i never got into shadow boxing so i dont know shit....lol
MN-KungFu said:
i would beat ur face in. end of thread...
STFU you know-nothing shootostyle glove wanting pussy.
OK here goes. When people shadow box they throw at their head level. your punches are arcing up. I don't know what style of stand up you do, but your to squared up. If you do muay thai or kyokushin then it's fine. The biggest mistake I saw tough is that you lack hip rotation, When shadow boxing get in the habit of turning your hips to maximize power. Your uppercuts are crap. dont just lower you hand and raise it up. Drop your body weight bending at the knees and thrust yourself up while lifting your hand and rotating your hips. I can find more problems but after watching about 15 sec of your vid I couldn't stand anymore. Keep training and slow down your punches focusing on throwing your punches with proper technique.
Guts & Glory said:
OK here goes. When people shadow box they throw at their head level. your punches are arcing up. I don't know what style of stand up you do, but your to squared up. If you do muay thai or kyokushin then it's fine. The biggest mistake I saw tough is that you lack hip rotation, When shadow boxing get in the habit of turning your hips to maximize power. Your uppercuts are crap. dont just lower you hand and raise it up. Drop your body weight bending at the knees and thrust yourself up while lifting your hand and rotating your hips. I can find more problems but after watching about 15 sec of your vid I couldn't stand anymore. Keep training and slow down your punches focusing on throwing your punches with proper technique.

I did Kyokushin and now do muay thai. So basicly your critic bowls down to the fact that Im not using my body enough? Not enough hip in the punches and not enough vertical motion in the uppercuts?

Thanks for the comments.
i think your only problem is that you dont use your hips as much as you could to get full power, and you do seem to be punching upwards for some reason. nothing major though