Escaping the upright kimura? (N/S kimura)


May 3, 2003
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Hiya, do any of you have some tips on how to escape this?
I realize it's kind of asking 'how do you escape a RNC when they have it locked in', but it's something a few of our higher belts go to quite frequently.. I'd like to know how to make it as difficult as possible for them to get on me, and finish.
Particularly against some of the purples, I get stuck with my head between their legs and them trying to crank out the kimura.. I can resist it for quite a while against some of the purples, though one in particular can literally rip my arm off.

I also use this sub a lot, so maybe some general tips on the sub offence/defence would be much appreciated!

Thanks! :)
When your having trouble stopping subs from a particular person, exam the steps hes taking to get it on you and interrupt them.
He is most likely doing the same setup everytime. Next time you roll with him pay attention to the three things he does before your in that kimura. Now next time stop one of those three steps. It may be as simple as trapping his other arm while he has wrist control, then he can't follow through with the rest of his steps. Interrupt the process early!

If you can't figure it out ask him to start from side control and have him show you how to do the move, practice it, then prevent him from doing one of the steps in the routine and you will avoid the submission. Good Luck!
As for an actual escape....

Say he is going to kimura your right arm.

Bring your legs around so your perpendicular to him instead of parallel... almost going back to side control. (You'll be up on your side cause he is trying to kimura you). So attempt to bring your legs as far to your left (away from the arm hes trapped) and then when there over there, swing them all teh way back to your right side, and at the same time drop your right elbow to the mat as hard as you can.

Works for me, and most everyone else at my gym.
I was getting wrecked by this recently as well. In addition to keeping my elbows really tight, I have been trying to scissor my legs and come to my knees when my opponent moves from side control to north-south. If you catch him in transition you can get to turtle or even try a takedown.
it's hard in no-gi, but i usually triangle my own arm and clasp my hands. this usually frustrates them into either going for something else, or giving me too much space in an attempt to creat power, during which time i escape by slipping out to my knees and going for a single leg
roll towards the arm hes cranking. think about it, if u roll away, the kimura is locked even tighter. roll towards your trapped arm, pull your arm out.
As for an actual escape....

Say he is going to kimura your right arm.

Bring your legs around so your perpendicular to him instead of parallel... almost going back to side control. (You'll be up on your side cause he is trying to kimura you). So attempt to bring your legs as far to your left (away from the arm hes trapped) and then when there over there, swing them all teh way back to your right side, and at the same time drop your right elbow to the mat as hard as you can.

Works for me, and most everyone else at my gym.

So you basically roll to your belly/turtle??
If i have you in it you are not getting out of it without tapping.