Escaping the Three Quarter Hold?


Bringing peace and love
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May 24, 2004
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I got pinned with this at my last tournament, and had no way to get out. I was in no danger of submission, but I couldn't escape for the life of me. Anybody know good escapes to this hold?

For those who don't know the name (and I may not be using the right name), it's like North South except the guy tilts to one side a bit and uses and over/under grip on your arms. As hard as N/S can be to escape from once it's settled in, I feel the 3/4 is even worse.
Isn't that a Judo pin? I remember seeing it on the Kosen judo vids.
Hmmm, do you mean the double armbar/chicken wing used to pin this poor, poor boy by that girl in red?

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or do you mean this (a 3/4 nelson)?

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Here is a North/South escape that I have never seen explained. I'm not sure this is the exact position that is giving you problem though. Let me know.

That is exactly it, and that's a super-technical explanation of how to deal with it. It's not like any other escape. Perfect find, thanks bro. I will study this. :icon_chee
No problems. Vandry's basic spider guard explanation on youtube really helped my transition game too.
Kuzure Kami shiho?



some exit



Beware that to attack from that position they change tu Ushiro Kesa gatame


And from that to Hara Gatame
As always, make space little by little by little.

Against north/ south type pins, I find using the hips and feet to slide down very important and then bringing the knees in to spider guard typr action to create space.
Or if possible roll over.

If the guy is only intend on pinning your ass to the mat, it can be a BITCH!

In that case, I just wait til he needs a potty break.

Here a Video from Mike Swain judo series , about Pin.

From minute 5 show kami shio, kuzure kami shio and how escape from that position

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>