Equifax says more private data was stolen in 2017 breach than first revealed
It's absolutely absurd that we do not own and solely control our most private information- that every adult who has even a phone bill or electric bill in their name is subject to some central entity being in possession of their SSN, street address, job history, etc. And we are forced to blindly trust them to protect that information for which there is no recourse or consequence for mishandling.
Sen. Warren with the bill proposing "$100 fine per victim" isn't doing fuck all. This negligence is unprecedented- demand blood and don't stop until you get it. Equifax should be forced to liquidate all assets, the top executives should be forced to liquidate all personal assets, it should all be divided up for each affected "customer," then those execs should be sent to prison.
Decentralizing personal data through distributed ledger technology cannot happen soon enough.
Equifax says more private data was stolen in 2017 breach than first revealed
Hackers stole more data from Equifax in a breach last year than initially thought.
In September, the Atlanta, GA-based credit giant revealed a huge data breach, including names, social security numbers, birth dates, home addresses, and in some cases driver's license numbers. It was later confirmed over 145 million were affected, primarily Americans, but also some Canadians and British citizens.
The hack became the largest single data breach reported in 2017.
But documents seen by members of the Senate Banking Committee suggest the types of data stolen were wider than the company first reported.
A letter published Friday by committee member Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) to acting Equifax chief executive Paulino do Rego Barros summarized the senator's five-month investigation into the Equifax breach, which said tax identification numbers (TINs), email addresses, and additional license information -- such as issue dates and by which state -- were not originally disclosed,
It's absolutely absurd that we do not own and solely control our most private information- that every adult who has even a phone bill or electric bill in their name is subject to some central entity being in possession of their SSN, street address, job history, etc. And we are forced to blindly trust them to protect that information for which there is no recourse or consequence for mishandling.
Sen. Warren with the bill proposing "$100 fine per victim" isn't doing fuck all. This negligence is unprecedented- demand blood and don't stop until you get it. Equifax should be forced to liquidate all assets, the top executives should be forced to liquidate all personal assets, it should all be divided up for each affected "customer," then those execs should be sent to prison.
Decentralizing personal data through distributed ledger technology cannot happen soon enough.