Epic stories of Sherdog?


Claymation Belt
Jul 5, 2009
Reaction score
I was reading some of the 2012 Awards lists and was wondering if there are any epic Sherdog stories some of you could recount? Like epic banning or hillarious and awesome threads.How did they get banned, what was there crime? Are these posts re-viewable? Would love to hear some epic Sherdog stories... *starts campfire*
c'mon son.

Tarantula. I forgot what digits came after his name but he started the dmt revolution in mayberry. Instant_legend was hillarious.when he made another account to give himself support. The threads about what if you had a gay thirteen year old son were hillarious.
Can't help kept reading that MrRevBlack went out in some epic way. Peeked my curiosity.
Search: Applying the triangle

Some poor kid gets violated by his gym teacher.
Links to some of the awesome threads are appreciated.
how long can i keep a santa hat on my av before it gets weird?
My good friend Lozano was banned twice. He was a great thread starter. RIP.
Links to some of the awesome threads are appreciated.

Due to some security breaches, the search function and post history (etc) have all been locked from our use at this time.
Once that's resolved I'm certain some folks will link up some threads for you.
You guys can still use Google to search for your favorite threads :D
Tarantula. I forgot what digits came after his name but he started the dmt revolution in mayberry. Instant_legend was hillarious.when he made another account to give himself support. The threads about what if you had a gay thirteen year old son were hillarious.
Lmao Tarantula... the guy who hung out with his gorilla family and hung out with Zeus if Zeus was 1,000 times bigger. I didn't know Zeus had an established size but whatevs. The only revolution he sparked was getting all of Mayberry to make fun of him for months. He got his act together eventually and then got banned but it was fun while it lasted. Something tells me car is his reincarnation but I have no proof.

Another dude like that was Shattered_Dream a.k.a. shattered dreams. Dude was banging 10's on the reg, and his 10's are like 11's on the common man's scale. He was the embodiment of alpha, if the embodiment of alpha was being called the wrong name for months.
Can't help kept reading that MrRevBlack went out in some epic way. Peeked my curiosity.

What did happen there? Last I saw, he would post rarely after "retiring". I miss that guy. Only guy like that left is Spoken.
Yeah I want to see some of these epic threads too dammit!

If only there was a place... where all of them were in one place for easy viewing... some kind of collection or archive if you will...
Yeah I want to see some of these epic threads too dammit!

If only there was a place... where all of them were in one place for easy viewing... some kind of collection or archive if you will...

Lmao the guy just found the Mayberry, and you already want to throw him in to the archives? We may never see him again.

by then it will almost be time to put it back on again.

the thread that the guy in your avatar started was hilarious.

"i'm not giving the ufc my money!"

"i sit at home, jerk off, and eat junk food. the government pays for my stuff, and i live with my parents."