Enjoying starvation


Green Belt
Apr 21, 2004
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because of recent events i'm low on cash at the moment.

so i've had to cut back on fancy things like food that resembles anything edibble. So i eventualy got into the habbit of one meal a day with a huge meal at night.at first i felt ill only eating once a day,but i got over it and it started to feel more natural.

But then that even became too much fo my poor mans budget. so i started to have 1 meal a day with the first day being a big meal and the second more of a light snack. I enjoy this very much, i don't know why but i've grown to love the feel of hunger.

Why do i like this so much?
It's like the thought of eating makes me i'll now, untill i get the point of way to weak to continue any activity. then it's time for a little something.

through all of this i'm still maintaining 2 day on 1 day off workouts. first day all bodywieght exercisses and the second 5K run. I'm still 185LB even after doing this for about 2 months now. it's really wierd.

i have noticed my need for water has skyrocketed though.
You probably enjoy it because you enjoy the feeling of control. Some anorexic people, who have a bad family life, school and work life, don't eat because that is the one thing in life they can control and they enjoy controlling the one thing they can. I would assume its similar. Now, I'm not calling you anorexic by any means, just stating something.

Same with reading a lot for school, putting in a 15 hour day... it feels productive sometimes and even though you are tired/hungry/sleepy you still feel good because you think you have done something. I'm more concerned with what you are eating those times? I think a person has to be really low on money to not eat cheap things like Ramen. I have seen chicken ramen for 5c a package on sale, a buck will buy you enough to last a week.
you may be right I do love to controll things. thats why i started to workout in the first place.

but one more thing to note i have noticed that when i do eat a large amount now it puts me out like a light and my body just burns with recovery.

could be fun to experiment with how long i can do this while maintaining mass or possibly converting mass.
How is it you can't afford to feed yourself more than once per day but you can afford an internet account?
Ramen noodles are cheap.
save up some money and buy a 6 lb jar of protien powder. At one scoop, you'll get like 90 meals out of that.
Yeah, I like that feeling too- It's hella weird. I was in that same situation about a year ago. Now I don't mind having some more stomach fat because I am hella stronger. I use to like that too though, and love water. I started getting more cut looking and skinnier though. Just make sure you don't start looking like Ghandi.
There are some food that don't cost a lot that you can still eat in great quantities : potatoes, rice and noodles. It even costs less if you take the time to buy them unprepared and prepare them yourself.

As for carbs you can buy powder juice. Just add water.

As for proteins, it costs a little more. In my area, chicken don't cost a lot. A good trick is to buy large portions of chicken at once (like a half chicken) and separate it into portions. Also sausages usually don't cost a lot, but they often have a terrible taste.
How is it you can't afford to feed yourself more than once per day but you can afford an internet account?

HA HA HA! Holy shit my sides. LOL

He might be in college or something Mick. I had a buddy down here going to the same Art School I went to, but he had to live in the dorms and whatnot because his family was from out-of-state. When his car basically blew up, he had to quit working and just go to school and his parent supported him. He'd call me up and be like "dude...I'm so hungry. You have no idea. You know it's bad when all your fantasies surround pancakes and Dunkin' Doughtnuts." But the one thing the kid always had was his fricken DSL connection. His schooling required Internet Access so that was high on the list of priorities. I felt for him so occasionally I'd take him to dinner at IHOP or something.
Isn't one big meal a day very counterproductive?
Found a comprimise


it is cheap enough and has loads of protien and fats and 5 bucks of milk can last me 2 days.


Got me a job at a pizza place, looks like i can aford food and rent now :D
You said it yourself...PIZZA place...you don't have to spend another dollar on food. EVER!!

good work buddy

milk and pizza has kept me in the game during some troubling (financial) times. High in calories, cheese, meat, maybe some token veggies... it's the total package!
Sir, I guarentee you will regret this decision. You've probably thrown your hormonal system all out of whack, in addition to horribly surpressing your metabolism. I would recommend getting out this eating pattern ASAP unless you want to rebound like crazy. I would start slowly adding in more food and supplementing with 16-20g of fish oil a day. I would focus on trying to consume SOMETHING every 3 - 4 hours but keep portion sizes low.

Trust me. I did the one big meal/starvation/long distance running thing to lose weight (~60lbs in 4 weeks). Your body adapts to getting no food. You have to be very careful (thank god I was) about what kind of food and what you eat when you start getting back to a normal eating pattern. Good luck to you, and heed this advice :)
Just buy some whey protein to throw in the milk and you have a meal.
When i was young kid my family was shit dirt poor and one thing me and borther survived on was a loaf of wonder bread and ketchup packets, mayo packets,mustard, hotdog relish ect. We also used eat the governemtn issued peanut butter on wonder bread or the Govvie issued cheese melted in a bowl with ketchup and chunks of wonderbread for a soup like mixture. We also used to eat oatmeal like it was going out of style we would make oatmeal and peanut butter balls and carry them in wrapped in newspaper in a kmart bag. Now those were good times