Movies Endgame has not aged well in ONE YEAR.

Just watched it two days ago. Marvel movies are the among the best movies ever made. All the heroes and villains of my childhood on the big screen with incredible story lines, actors, character development and budget.

There is nothing dated about these incredible films.

Watched them both again last month and my preference would carry on moving towards End Game over Infinity War, the latter does handle Thanos/Gamora/Thor very well but much of it is basically a succession of cool action scenes.

I'm wondering exactly what "adult cinema" cinema the too cool for school crowd are watching instead? please don't tell me its stuff like John Wick, I mean fair enough I enjoy it to but not exactly weighty artistically ambitious cinema,
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I just finished watching it for the first time right now. Loved it. Not gonna lie, I cried at the end. I knew all what was going to happen, the movie’s been out a year and a half lol. But still, from Tony dying until the fade out on Cap and Carter, I cried. 0 fucks given if I’m judged for it.

I’m 51 and have loved the Avengers since elementary school when I saw issue 150 in my local neighborhood drug store comics rack and thought “this looks cool”. Read it on the car ride home and I was hooked. The buildup to the first Avengers movie was like a dream come true. When it finally happened, it was the movie I’d waited my whole life to see. They did great on all of them (done better than others, lol). Did this fan proud

Gave you a like, as I'm a huge comic geek myself (late 40s) and seeing this stuff on screen is like a dream come true.

That being said, I personally hated Endgame. But, glad you enjoyed it .
Disagree. Just like anything that becomes immensely popular, it then becomes popular to hate on it. I think the build up and delivery of Infinity War/Endgame was amazing. I have recently watched it and still love it.
The nature of Marvel does tend to make it a little rougher around the edges than some blockbusters but the very best of the MCU films are I think worthy of discussion next to the likes of Starwars, Indiana Jones, Lord of the Rings, Back to the Future, Ghostbusters, etc as some of the best blockbusters.
Endgame wasn't that great when it first came out TBH. Infinity War was vastly superior in every way.

2/3 of Endgame was basically an Ant Man movie and really only the 3rd act was great at the end
Maybe the fastest "not aged well" since 'The Force Awakens." (The series was about Kylo, he was the Skywalker)

ANYWAYS.. I watched 80% of Avengers Endgame yesterday with my son. It hasn't aged well. Marvel movies outside of GOTG, IW, a little Thor, and maybe Cap 1, have mostly not aged well. Endgame comes off hokey as s**t. The dialogue, most of the story, the lack of Thanos, it's all pretty bad, and most weird is it feels dated. ENDGAME FEELS DATED lol.

Has anybody watched Endgame recently and notice that somehow it feels dated, even though it's only 1 year old?

couldn’t agree with you more. The problem with the MCU is that no matter how much they tease the edgy stuff, when push comes to shove they make the easy storytelling decision. Even if it isn’t Organic.

And Caps happy ending wasn’t. The love of his life wasn’t the babe. It was Bucky. But Disney didn’t have the balls or integrity to give us that ending cause... gay vibes would’ve turned off normies. And I could go on, really.

That’s partially why infinity war was so awesome. It wasn’t least not by Disney standards
And Caps happy ending wasn’t. The love of his life wasn’t the babe. It was Bucky. But Disney didn’t have the balls or integrity to give us that ending cause... gay vibes would’ve turned off normies. And I could go on, really.

Yes, because two guys can’t be lifelong best friends without being gay for each other #eyeroll #facepalm
Yes, because two guys can’t be lifelong best friends without being gay for each other #eyeroll #facepalm

uhhh, reading comprehension dude. What I was saying was that Bucky was the move of his life. Full stop. And if you don’t believe me then why was there 1-2 MCU movies dedicated to their relationship/love story m: Winter Soldier/Civill War. Peggy was always the side chick. Secondary. Fact.

But Marvel forced the Peggy love angle because they didn’t want to play into the Cap/Bucky shipping crowd.

Again: Bucky was Caps first love. That’s the relationship that should have been served at t he end of Endgame... not Peggy.
Thor being fat was funny at first, but I was like why the hell is he like this the whole movie.

Thor stayed fat because they didn't feel like it was a good message that for Thor to be a hero he needed to lose all that weight. That he was capable of greatness despite that. It would also be stretching the timeline to have him change.

That's what I read a long time ago.
couldn’t agree with you more. The problem with the MCU is that no matter how much they tease the edgy stuff, when push comes to shove they make the easy storytelling decision. Even if it isn’t Organic.

And Caps happy ending wasn’t. The love of his life wasn’t the babe. It was Bucky. But Disney didn’t have the balls or integrity to give us that ending cause... gay vibes would’ve turned off normies. And I could go on, really.

That’s partially why infinity war was so awesome. It wasn’t least not by Disney standards

The Russo's had already made Bucky a major part of Winter Solider and CIvil War though and at that point I'm not sure there was much drama to be mined. Caps story over the films is I'd say more first becoming his own man and then finally being able to live his own life.

Perhaps the Stark/Rogers/Nat plots were pretty obvious but I don't think that makes them bad and it doesnt seem very "safe" to either kill or retire all those characters. They did obviously deal with Thor in a rather unexpected way and indeed I think the whole opening is obviously going against expectations really having the characters having to live(or not) with their failure.
Endgame doesn't feel dated. I just never really enjoyed the movie to begin with. It was an ok movie but I'll probably never go back and watch it.
N.. No lol. I used the example of Watchman which came out longer ago.

The Avengers movies just have a particular style, and after GOTG1 they started to become more quippy because that movie was so much better than the Avengers movies, but it didn't work the same. "Dated" means appropriate and/or good in a particular time, but recognizable as not modern due to a variety of factors.

I know what dated means, this thread is dated, I have no clue why I came back to it.

PS, I still stand by what I said. It's absolutely true that people nowadays find just about everything "dated" within months or a couple years. It's called being "spoiled".
uhhh, reading comprehension dude. What I was saying was that Bucky was the move of his life. Full stop. And if you don’t believe me then why was there 1-2 MCU movies dedicated to their relationship/love story m: Winter Soldier/Civill War. Peggy was always the side chick. Secondary. Fact.

But Marvel forced the Peggy love angle because they didn’t want to play into the Cap/Bucky shipping crowd.

Again: Bucky was Caps first love. That’s the relationship that should have been served at t he end of Endgame... not Peggy.

Wtf, LOL. There were no gay vibes whatsoever between them and Peggy was a love interest for Captain America since the first film, you didn't catch the bit before he's about to go into the ice, with them having a date?

I think you're reaching here buddy and by the sounds of your posts it's a reach around.