Emotions and Physiology



I've recently heard about the James-Lange Theory of Emotion, along with a couple others, and it argues that physiological reactions to stimuli produce emotion. I think there must be other factors and perhaps the dynamic between emotion and physiology go both ways, but either way, to me it seems obvious that emotions and physiology are closely linked.

Emotions obviously aren't created by what goes in our mind alone, if at all. In fact I'd say what goes on in our mind is a result of emotion. We build our thoughts and ideas around what we feel. Like guys who feel rejected by women, and instead of being aware of their own feelings, they construct a narrative about women as a defensive mechanism. I may be attacking incels here but everybody does this to some degree.

It seems emotions sometimes "stay in the body" and emotions can linger despite having intellectually solved whatever is causing the emotion. For example I've been angry even though in my mind, I have intellectually concluded that I don't need to be angry (like I had an argument with someone and we solved the issue). Or sometimes you get scared watching a horror movie even though logically you know that nothing in the movie can actually hurt you. Being aware of your own feelings obviously helps, but it doesn't always completely dissipate these feelings.

Even though I know on an intellectual level that feeling resentment towards my parents or my ex does not help me, I sometimes feel resentment. Because I came to a logical resolution the issue in my head, I figure I am completely over my past issues, only to have occasional days where I feel resentment.

Any thoughts?
What are ways to get rid of lingering negative emotions?
I cant take any of your threads serious because of your pigeon picture. Makes me giggle every time they look so funny
Another thing about emotions is that it's weird how relatively trivial issues elicit the same kind of emotional responses that came about when our ancestors had to deal with saber tooth tigers. A job interview might elicit a fight-or-flight response and make you sweat and tremble and shit. Seems kind of unfair.
So the root of the issue is that you'd rather feel resentful than not resentful. "Why" can almost always be answered with because it's preferable than the alternative(unless it's a macro issue, in which the answer is always labor costs).

The right starting point in working past it, if that's what you think you want, is why is it preferable to letting it go?

And the answer to that, in very broad strokes, is narcissism. A sense of self provides meaning, and changing one's self diminishes that. Working to change also works against all your developed dopamine habits, and so falling back into set behaviors is quite literally like getting high. Just smaller qualitatively and more frequently.

This makes changing for yourself, very difficult. Which is why, short-circuiting the narcissism aspect entirely, you shouldn't change for yourself. You should change for others. E.g. I need to stop smoking cigarettes, for my kid - or - if I keep spending all my money on crack, my dog is going to starve.

If I keep spending all my money on crack, I'll be a terrible dog owner, isn't as powerful. Because the latter is about you and the former about someone else.
So the root of the issue is that you'd rather feel resentful than not resentful. "Why" can almost always be answered with because it's preferable than the alternative(unless it's a macro issue, in which the answer is always labor costs).

The right starting point in working past it, if that's what you think you want, is why is it preferable to letting it go?

And the answer to that, in very broad strokes, is narcissism. A sense of self provides meaning, and changing one's self diminishes that. Working to change also works against all your developed dopamine habits, and so falling back into set behaviors is quite literally like getting high. Just smaller qualitatively and more frequently.

This makes changing for yourself, very difficult. Which is why, short-circuiting the narcissism aspect entirely, you shouldn't change for yourself. You should change for others. E.g. I need to stop smoking cigarettes, for my kid - or - if I keep spending all my money on crack, my dog is going to starve.

If I keep spending all my money on crack, I'll be a terrible dog owner, isn't as powerful. Because the latter is about you and the former about someone else.

Thanks for this.
I used to be an angry guy--got in a lot of fights when I was younger, hated myself, and everyone around me.
I finally realized that i wasn't happy, and it wasn't the life I wanted to live.
I stopped wasting my time and energy on being negative, and letting little shit piss me off. It's just not worth it.
I just stopped caring about dumb, bullshit.

I always avoid drama, and think of things in terms of "how will this benefit me, or anyone else around me?" Drama, and anger benefit no one. Getting angry, and keeping that anger in you ONLY hurts you.
You're not hurting anyone else by being angry at them. They probably don't know youre angry, and if they do, they don't know care, or they're angry back at you. What are either of you gaining?
And why would you want to hurt yourself over what someone else did?
Another thing about emotions is that it's weird how relatively trivial issues elicit the same kind of emotional responses that came about when our ancestors had to deal with saber tooth tigers. A job interview might elicit a fight-or-flight response and make you sweat and tremble and shit. Seems kind of unfair.
Old habits die hard.
I've recently heard about the James-Lange Theory of Emotion, along with a couple others, and it argues that physiological reactions to stimuli produce emotion. I think there must be other factors and perhaps the dynamic between emotion and physiology go both ways, but either way, to me it seems obvious that emotions and physiology are closely linked.

Emotions obviously aren't created by what goes in our mind alone, if at all. In fact I'd say what goes on in our mind is a result of emotion. We build our thoughts and ideas around what we feel. Like guys who feel rejected by women, and instead of being aware of their own feelings, they construct a narrative about women as a defensive mechanism. I may be attacking incels here but everybody does this to some degree.

It seems emotions sometimes "stay in the body" and emotions can linger despite having intellectually solved whatever is causing the emotion. For example I've been angry even though in my mind, I have intellectually concluded that I don't need to be angry (like I had an argument with someone and we solved the issue). Or sometimes you get scared watching a horror movie even though logically you know that nothing in the movie can actually hurt you. Being aware of your own feelings obviously helps, but it doesn't always completely dissipate these feelings.

Even though I know on an intellectual level that feeling resentment towards my parents or my ex does not help me, I sometimes feel resentment. Because I came to a logical resolution the issue in my head, I figure I am completely over my past issues, only to have occasional days where I feel resentment.

Any thoughts?
What are ways to get rid of lingering negative emotions?

Our brains are pretty complex, and we do react to both internal and external stimuli. Focus on what is important in life, and it might change your outlook. You may resent your parents because they are imperfect people, but you should appreciate them because more than likely they did the best they could. You are an imperfect person too, and one day your kids might just resent you too.

You should never be mad at a woman for rejecting you as long as she is not completely disrespecting you. It just comes with the territory. We all have things we like and dislike in the opposite sex, and we all choose people based on that criteria. You don't have a right to be angry with someone for filtering potential mates just as you do. The more women you interact with the less you will care about the ones who reject you.

The more you focus on the truth the more it becomes ingrained in your thought processes, which will impact your emotions.
The herpes scare has you all introsepctive/
What are ways to get rid of lingering negative emotions?

Maybe you have OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). The obsessive part where a thought lingers in your mind over and over. There is medication for that. If not, than I would put those negative thoughts in a box, lock it, and throw away the key. How many times have these 'issues' come to your mind? How many times have you come to terms with these issues? There is no need to visit that particular thought or emotion for the 437th time. The conclusion is always the same. Keep your mind busy my friend...
You dont supress your emotions by reasoning, you are completely right... you can only learn to control your emotions and learn how to deal with them...most people supress emotions which is just as bad because you make yourself sick inside...its better to let emotions out because in a way the only reason why we are here is to experience physical life through our emotions, because thats how we create sparks of energy and the universe keeps on moving, in essence we are simply particles of energy that took physical form in this reality (and not even completely physical, our entire reality is mostly empty) but we can only keep on creating energy so the universe keeps on moving, even if we dont do it consciously the universe will make energy out of us, we cant control the universe that would be absurd, we can only help with the creation of energy or the universe will use us to do what it always does (and I dont mean energy as in electricity dont be a fucking idiot) .. Most people say that right before you die all you have is your memories and you like to remember them....thats not completely true....what old people like to experience before they die is the EMOTIONS that they experience again by remembering those memories throughout their lifes... at the end of life thats all you have, thats all you will take from your experience as a human..emotions
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we are here is to experience physical life through our emotions, because thats how we create sparks of energy and the universe keeps on moving, in essence we are simply particles of energy that took physical form in this reality
Fuckin pothead.
I've recently heard about the James-Lange Theory of Emotion, along with a couple others, and it argues that physiological reactions to stimuli produce emotion. I think there must be other factors and perhaps the dynamic between emotion and physiology go both ways, but either way, to me it seems obvious that emotions and physiology are closely linked.

Emotions obviously aren't created by what goes in our mind alone, if at all. In fact I'd say what goes on in our mind is a result of emotion. We build our thoughts and ideas around what we feel. Like guys who feel rejected by women, and instead of being aware of their own feelings, they construct a narrative about women as a defensive mechanism. I may be attacking incels here but everybody does this to some degree.

It seems emotions sometimes "stay in the body" and emotions can linger despite having intellectually solved whatever is causing the emotion. For example I've been angry even though in my mind, I have intellectually concluded that I don't need to be angry (like I had an argument with someone and we solved the issue). Or sometimes you get scared watching a horror movie even though logically you know that nothing in the movie can actually hurt you. Being aware of your own feelings obviously helps, but it doesn't always completely dissipate these feelings.

Even though I know on an intellectual level that feeling resentment towards my parents or my ex does not help me, I sometimes feel resentment. Because I came to a logical resolution the issue in my head, I figure I am completely over my past issues, only to have occasional days where I feel resentment.

Any thoughts?
What are ways to get rid of lingering negative emotions?
there is noway to get rid of them. you feel that way for a reason, still.
I used to be an angry guy--got in a lot of fights when I was younger, hated myself, and everyone around me.
I finally realized that i wasn't happy, and it wasn't the life I wanted to live.
I stopped wasting my time and energy on being negative, and letting little shit piss me off. It's just not worth it.
I just stopped caring about dumb, bullshit.

I always avoid drama, and think of things in terms of "how will this benefit me, or anyone else around me?" Drama, and anger benefit no one. Getting angry, and keeping that anger in you ONLY hurts you.
You're not hurting anyone else by being angry at them. They probably don't know youre angry, and if they do, they don't know care, or they're angry back at you. What are either of you gaining?
And why would you want to hurt yourself over what someone else did?

You've got a great outlook on things...