Law Election Reform Debate: ECA Reform signed into Law 12/30/22

We need to get rid of the fraud.

-vote on one day again, not month long voting
-show your identification when you vote
-no machines hooked up to the internet or that can be hacked
There are American nationals, soldiers and others, living over seas. They don't get to vote unless they fly back to America?

There are also disabled people, and or people with no means of getting to the polling station on election day. They don't count?
Mail in voting is just asking for fraud.
After 2016 Trump established a right-wing commission to find voting fraud and gave it all the time and federal resources it could ask for. It found nothing. Widespread voter fraud is simply a conspiracy theory at this point.
the democrat now sounds like he is on the verge of tears and talking about Trump, after saying the economy is the best ever, with best employment numbers ever thanks to Biden. LOL
Absentee ballots should be for people actually absent and unable to vote, not people who democrats feel are too retarded to make it to the polling station.
Absentee ballots should be for people actually absent and unable to vote, not people who democrats feel are too retarded to make it to the polling station.
They want the lazy really low info voters to vote again where they click a button on Facebook put info in and a ballot is mailed to them with a return envelope.
hey lets create a bill that tries to make permanent all the temporary covid voting measures that were used a year ago and call it "voting rights"

Conservatives have always done everything in their power to "curate" the vote to maintain the "purity" of elections. You claim fraud where there is none to support new measures to suppress the vote.

In 1965 the Voting Act was passed to ensure no discriminatory measure was passed that suppressed the vote. It required any new changes to voting protocols be scrutinized to ensure they weren't discriminatory before they went in effect. It was so successful it was eventually considered no longer necessary and in 2013 it was gutted. This of course triggered an avalanche of suppressive laws, and lawmakers in Texas have been quoted saying if even one of the new laws had failed to pass, they would have lost the state.

Bottom dollar: The more people allowed to vote, the less likely conservatives in the US are to win. Doing whatever it takes to preserve minority rule probably seems reasonable to you because you probably feel the things you want are in the interest of the greater good and a better country, but it runs contrary to the spirit of democracy.
Votes without chain of custody or the ability to check signatures should never be allowed/counted.
  • No Drop Boxes
  • No Harvesting
  • No Unrequested Mail in Ballots
  • Voter ID is a must

Otherwise, we are begging for those with the inclination to cheat.
I don't understand the issue with voter ID and making sure the people actually live in the state they are voting in?
ROFL! Gold! Blacks should be and many are very insulted at the claims made by Democrats. It's racism.

Its amazing that black people overwhelmingly support people who think they are inferior as people.
Tim Scott did great, brought up the actual statistics of how majority of minorities want these new rules. Moreover, that two of the three African American senators are from southern states that the democrats are trying to say are known for racist voting.

Then he is followed by Cory Booker who goes on an over dramatic, hysterical performance. It is fascinating how many times Booker has put on his glasses, taken them off right after, and then stomps around for a couple steps. haha
Good god, Manchin just came out and ripped the democrats, including their running to the mess media, corporations, etc to push their wants and demands, and having no self-restraint.

He even said, "I cannot be aparty to them". I thought he was going to become independent at that point, lol. He should have, god bless.
I love how Joe is currently is talking about who counts the votes right now, straight out of communism. Omg, these republicans want people to actually look at IDs and signatures, so we have to remove IDs and signatures, and actually do all mail in voting so local poll watchers don't have to look at the voters as well!!.

And lets sign everyone who uses government services (including illegals and non-citizens) who use government services, let's register them to vote!

In addition to registering everyone who shows up in those voter rolls, let's send out mail in ballots to every single on of those people!

And again, we won't verify signature or ID, and it is all about who counts the votes, but anyone who wants to verify that signature and/or ID is a racist domestic terrorist

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