Eisbar meets a SJW IRL for the first time (argument inside) / Ask me anything

Der Eisbär

Aug 26, 2014
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So I totally Milo'd this cuck.

Just kidding I don't talk like that.

A little backstory for setting:
This was at my sister's 34th birthday party which was last night. This guy was a friend of a friend of a friend who didn't come around until later. Mexican/South American dude probably 27-30 years old. I've never actually met a SJW in real life, face to face. I had started to wonder whether they really exist or not. This guy was educated, super nice and did not trigglypuff or anything like that. He kept his cool throughout but towards the end he did get a little triggered and flustered (by his own admission).

I'm not entirely sure how we got to talking because I don't know him. But somehow or another I found myself having a conversation with the dude about culture, society, the country, etc etc. It wasn't an argument at this stage just us having a pleasant in depth conversation.

Again I'm not sure how we got to this but I made the statement that Western society at large is in deep trouble with the fact that birth rates are so low and that places that promote barbaric ideologies are out breeding us by a very large margin, and this fact will make for a not-so-pleasant world in the near future. This apparently triggered him and he took great issue with that. (Actually I remember how we got here. We were talking about immigration and he said he takes no issue with Europe importing millions and millions of people that come from barbaric countries and who's values are completely incompatible with the West. I asked him if it would be okay for millions and millions of Americans to flood into South America to which he said no that wouldn't be okay. WTF???)

He said how could I call these other cultures like Saudi A, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc barbaric? I made it real simple and plain for him by citing the fact that almost every Muslim majority country has laws on the books that make it okay to: kill gay people, kill adulterers, kill people for leaving the faith, etc. Instead of addressing that, he goes "Well what about cops killing black people in America?!" I say, well besides that having absolutely nothing to do with what I just said, cops killing innocent/unarmed minorities is a very unfortunate thing. However that in no way makes it okay for Saudi Arabia to execute people that speak ill of the prophet Mohammad.

The dude then tried the argument that it's not a significant number of Muslims that hold these extreme beliefs. I cited the information that double digits percentages of WESTERN Muslims think it's okay to kill in the name of your faith. That executing gay people is acceptable. He couldn't refute this and for some reason he thought a good response would be bringing up slavery and the genocide of native American people? I told him I acknowledge those things as being absolutely horrible and I'm very familiar with them and the injustice that was done. He told me I couldn't every truly "understand" because I'm a white male. I said 'well man, have you ever been through genocide or slavery?' He said no. Obviously. But that he could still understand more than I ever could because I'm a white male and he's a dark skinned minority (This internally rustled me a little bit, but I didn't let it show. I care deeply about the absolute atrocity that was done to the Natives and to black people. And to be told I couldn't ever truly get it because of my skin color was outrageous).

So after he spent a good deal of time painting the West as horrible and evil and blah blah blah, I started trying to pin him down on producing an alternative. I asked him repeatedly if Western liberal democracy had not been exported throughout the globe by Britain and another ideology was dominant, what would be a better alternative? He could not give me an answer on this. He kept saying well that's just not realistic, you're painting a false picture trying to back me into a corner. And I keep telling him "No man, you're sitting here telling me how horrible Western values and culture are. So what's the better alternative? What would you prefer to have? You don't enjoy females and minorities (mostly) being equal to everyone else? You don't enjoy freedom of speech and protection of your civil liberties? So what would you like to have instead?" In response to this line of questioning he had absolutely nothing, he tried to muster up a response and kept stuttering and finally decided he had nothing in response to that and just repeated his earlier line that it's an unrealistic question/false narrative.

I saw the hole in his armor with this line of reasoning and decided to double down on it. I asked him, " Alright man. So as a dark skinned south American where else would you like to go instead of the West to enjoy a comfortable, prosperous and reasonably safe life??" SJW:" I would go to Peru". Me:"Peru? You mean where violent crime including rape and homicide are through the roof compared to America, and there's mass poverty? That's where you would rather go? That would be a better place?" SJW: "Uh... well uh....I guess you're right. West Europe/America is the best place for someone like me but it's still a false narrative you're trying to construct....."

I could go on in more detail about this but I've covered the key stuff. We debated for about an hour and he was cool overall. People around us we're nervously looking around like they thought shit was about to go down when really we were just two informed passionate guys that enjoy talking about this stuff. I at no point blew my top or started yelling or anything like that but at the end he was pretty damn flustered and said he enjoy our conversation but that he was starting to get a little emotional. He was somewhat in shock when I revealed to him that I'm a progressive and promote democratic socialism. I think I completely fucked up his perspective on what types of people believe what things. At the end we shook hands and genuinely enjoyed the debate. I was hoping I'd get a trigglypuff on my hands but no such luck.

Edit: Another thing that was hilarious that I wanted to add is that when on the line of questioning about what the best cultures/societies in the world are, I cited the fact that EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY IN THE TOP 10 OF THE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX IS A WESTERN LIBERAL DEMOCRACY, to which he had absolutely nothing to say to that. I showed him the list of the top 10 of the HDI and watching him trying to play mental gymnastics and make sense of that was gold.

Edit 2: Something was fairly upsetting to me is I tried explaining to him that I'm German and Irish, and that the people's from both sides of my ancestry were oppressed for a very long time but that 'doesn't count and it's not the same'. The Germanic tribes were slaughtered by the Romans for hundreds of years. The Irish were severely oppressed for hundreds of years by the British and didn't get their own country until recent history. But it's not the same. Okay.

Ask me anything!

-there is no TLDR
-read the shit
-go fuck ya'self and have a nice day
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Felt like I was reading your diary. Except you never got around to how hot the guy made you feel and your attempt to try to cup his balls.

I'm sure more than one guy in the war room has flirted with a delicious South American dreamboat. You are in a safe space dude, you can tell us what this was really about. Only 3/4 of the war room hates gays and only 4 or 5 will recommend prayed camp therapy.
You're not supposed to admit to a forum full of guys that you have a sister.

Also, do you have pictures of your sister?
Felt like I was reading your diary. Except you never got around to how hot the guy made you feel and your attempt to try to cup his balls.

I'm sure more than one guy in the war room has flirted with a delicious South American dreamboat. You are in a safe space dude, you can tell us what this was really about. Only 3/4 of the war room hates gays and only 4 or 5 will recommend prayed camp therapy.

uh? I'm relating a debate to the WR that I had with a SJW and the first place your mind goes is to cupping a dude's balls? You sure you're not the one that has something to say bro?
I'd just like to point out that despite the WR wingnut brigades insistence that SJWs are sweeping across America like Hitler through Europe, you're just now meeting one of them in person for the first time.
uh? I'm relating a debate to the WR that I had with a SJW and the first place your mind goes is to cupping a dude's balls? You sure you're not the one that has something to say bro?

Anger is a symptom of a repressed gay man.
I'd just like to point out that despite the WR wingnut brigades insistence that SJWs are sweeping across America like Hitler through Europe, you're just now meeting one of them in person for the first time.
No I agree. They're not nearly as widespread as some would have you think. Take into account however I do live in Boise, Idaho. Not So Cal, New York, etc etc. Places that have much larger populations that are far more liberal.
I ass raped a socialist SJW at work a few weeks back. She likes to argue and I destroy her about once a month. Last time we were talking about the mandatory Canadian census form that we must complete every 5 years or we can go to jail for up to 3 months and be fined. It asks personal information including your sexual orientation. There was a lesbian in the office at the time who didn't like it because she isn't fully out of the closet yet and felt that it was invasive. I supported and agreed with her and then this stupid bitch contradicts both of us and starts using a tone like we are idiots for having an issue with it stating passionately that there is "NO POSSIBLE WAY" the information would get out or be used in any way because the government said so. They said it will never be shared so it's settled. I then told her how ridiculous it is to trust the government like that considering how many examples we have of them lying about these kinds of things. I gave her the example of the long gun registry and how after the RCMP was ordered to destroy the registry and all of it's information, and they publicly complied, they have clearly kept it and use it to this day. I backed that up with some hard evidence and she was totally wrecked lol. Being the dumb bitch that she is she continued to believe the same stupid bullshit though.
I ass raped a socialist SJW at work a few weeks back. She likes to argue and I destroy her about once a month. Last time we were talking about the mandatory Canadian census form that we must complete every 5 years or we can go to jail for up to 3 months and be fined. It asks personal information including your sexual orientation. There was a lesbian in the office at the time who didn't like it because she isn't fully out of the closet yet and felt that it was invasive. I supported and agreed with her and then this stupid bitch contradicts both of us and starts using a tone like we are idiots for having an issue with it stating passionately that there is "NO POSSIBLE WAY" the information would get out or be used in any way because the government said so. They said it will never be shared so it's settled. I then told her how ridiculous it is to trust the government like that considering how many examples we have of them lying about these kinds of things. I gave her the example of the long gun registry and how after the RCMP was ordered to destroy the registry and all of it's information, and they publicly complied, they have clearly kept it and use it to this day. I backed that up with some hard evidence and she was totally wrecked lol. Being the dumb bitch that she is she continued to believe the same stupid bullshit though.

Hilarious. You see unlike a rational Western educated gentleman who will update/modify his opinion based on new information/facts the SJW will instead accept your point about this or that being right, but find some race related reason to justify why that's right. There is no conceding and just saying "well yup. You're right. I didn't know this information and I was wrong."
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I am not even sure I would call that guy a SJW. Rather seems like the classical uninformed anti-imperialist.

You obviously made some good arguments, although an advocatus diaboli certainly could have produced arguments against your points. For example, maybe other countries with non-Western liberal cultures are being held down by the imperialist Western nations? And therefore they are underdeveloped?
It's shocking you have dubs. How could that have happened.

I'm just trying to help you dude. You wrote a big angry rant about how you "owned" this guy the same way a blatantly gay troll does. I just want you to not be ashamed of who you are.
I am not even sure I would call that guy a SJW. Rather seems like the classical uninformed anti-imperialist.

You obviously made some good arguments, although an advocatus diaboli certainly could have produced arguments against your points. For example, maybe other countries with non-Western liberal cultures are being held down by the imperialist Western nations? And therefore they are underdeveloped?

We touched on that quite a bit actually. I argued that most Imperial colonies are better off for it but that yes, some former colonies did not do very well under colonialism and did not benefit in the long run. He vehemently disagreed and believes everywhere that colonialism touched it destroyed everything.
Lol, funny story. And no, SJWs are nowhere near as prominent as the war room might make them out to be.
well he is right, our cops have killed innocent people.

Right. But that doesn't somehow make us just as barbaric as Islamist countries which execute people based on sexuality/religion. He was trying to say that because cops kill people in America, we're no better than Islamist countries.
I went to a women's group on a college campus with a chick I was dating back in the early aughts.
This was pre -SJW SJW stuff.
They had the ideology but hadn't perfected the "We're always being victimized" garbage yet.
Lol, funny story. And no, SJWs are nowhere near as prominent as the war room might make them out to be.

No, but they're infiltrating the places that can effect change: education, the media, and politics.

"The jug fills drop by drop."
I went to a women's group on a college campus with a chick I was dating back in the early aughts.
This was pre -SJW SJW stuff.
They had the ideology but hadn't perfected the "We're always being victimized" garbage yet.

He wasn't laying the victimization on super heavy but it was definitely present within all of his arguments.