Egg whites


Brown Belt
Nov 9, 2005
Reaction score
Now I was just wondering how do you eat the just egg whites I mean how do u cook them to get it???
You can just buy a Pint of eggwhites from the supermarket in a carton. Just heat your pan, pour them in and cook them exactly as you would regular eggs.
you could hardboil whole eggs then easily seperate the yolk from the white... or you could crack open an egg and carefully let the white out while keeping the yolk in the shell, then scramble the white...
Whats wrong with the yolk?
Soid said:
Whats wrong with the yolk?

Knew that was coming, but expected it from Urban. I just dump the egg into my hands, and let the white slip between my fingers, and throw away the yolk. I normally use 2-3 eggwhites, and one yolk. Or you could use eggbeaters or some other product. I believe they're mostly egg white. Then you can prepare any way you would normally prepare eggs.
I remember my wife laughing when I asked her how to do that. I crack the egg in the bowl, grab the yoke, remove.
Soid said:
Whats wrong with the yolk?

Because some like to cut down on cholesterol so they remove the yolk.

nopardaid said:
I remember my wife laughing when I asked her how to do that. I crack the egg in the bowl, grab the yoke, remove.

You neanderthals... the proper way to separate an egg is to crack it in half and pour the egg back and fourth between the shell halves, letting the white fall into a bowl.
Some times you guys amaze me... I have to agree with everything fat_wilhelm said. Seperate it directly into the pan. Why wash additional dishes if you don't have to?
just buy the egg whites in a carton. I'm too lazy to do all that work and so are you.
fat_wilhelm said:
You neanderthals... the proper way to separate an egg is to crack it in half and pour the egg back and fourth between the shell halves, letting the white fall into a bowl.
YEP. As a one-time short-order cook, this was the technique used by us "professionals."
I cannot believe what i'm reading.

fat_wilhelm said:
You neanderthals... the proper way to separate an egg is to crack it in half and pour the egg back and fourth between the shell halves, letting the white fall into a bowl.

What he said ^^^^