I lived in NY and experienced that event in person. No one who actually faced it believes it was an inside job. Take off your tin foil hat.
That's probably because you live out in Western NY and did not talk to the first responders, like these guys, that said bombs were going off:
Or, possibly, you did not talk to the police officers that pulled over the dancing Israeli Mossad Agents, that worked for Urban Moving Sytems and were in place prior to the event and filming it, flicking lighters and dancing with glee when the plane struck, had a truck with a painted plane hitting tower mural (like this) and it's Israeli owner jumped on a plane and fled the country when the FBI wanted to question him:
Or, possibly you did not know about all the first responders that are dying of cancer because nano-thermite was found in all the dust particles?
Like Iran Contra (doubt you know what that is, or Gulf Of Tonkin or Kuwait Baby Incubator Incident....), this was a project that involved multiple entities, multiple countries and has many layers. There is tons of disinformation out there but this is what we know so far about 'who done it':
There are many bunk conspiracy theories out there, but if you think Oswald acted alone or we know everything about 9-11, you are the one that needs the tinfoil hat. Heck, just over the past year the US Government admitted it spent tens of millions on studying UFO's (
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/16/...politics/pentagon-program-ufo-harry-reid.html ).....13 months ago, if I told you that the government had a secret program that was studying UFO's, you would have called me a kook, and now look.
Only crackpots and kooks think we have 9-11 truth.