Eddie Alvarez wants Conor McGregor next. Calls it a gimme fight.

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Jin Akutsu

Gengar Belt
Oct 30, 2014
Reaction score
Who takes it?



Eddie doesn't have Nate's chin. I hate conor too.
Eddie gets hurt in virtually every title fight, but is extremely difficult to put away unless conor can send another one down the pipe in the first eddie slowly but surely keeps the pace on his side and wins it.
Its a good match up.

Not a fan of either but i think eddie has a 60%chance with his ability to grind and recover fast.
It won't even be a contest, it'll be like how the British invaded Ireland.
Good fight. Is rather see Diaz get the shot though.. Hes much more exciting imo
Eddie gets hurt in virtually every title fight, but is extremely difficult to put away unless conor can send another one down the pipe in the first eddie slowly but surely keeps the pace on his side and wins it.

Except the last two, when he had a game plan and wasn't looking to just brawl.
Eddie employs the Pettis strat, hugs the fuck out of Conor and chokes him out. Itll be an awful fight. He already said hes not gonna brawl with Conor.

Who takes it?




Anyone want to bet on this fight hit me up

I have Eddie. We can use Paypal.

Some of you obnoxious Conor fans that were slagging on Eddie and RDA...put your money where your mouth is. Won't be the 1st time I won money from fellow Sherdoggers
Eddie by wrestlefuck, conors ground game is shit.
I think Conor actually beats him

Eddie swings so fucking wide with his punches...Just asking to be countered
Eddie doesn't want Conor, he was just ripping on him. He said there were a lot of guys that deserve that next shot but then jokingly said he wanted a fight off so give him Conor.