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Movies Dragonlord's Movie Adaptation Vol. 2: OLD MAN LOGAN (Fox Reads Sherdog)


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Jun 3, 2009
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Preface (April 26, 2016)


There have been rumors that Fox would be adapting Mark Millar's Old Man Logan limited series for their planned Wolverine 3 starring Hugh Jackman.

But with each casting news of actors portraying brand-new characters like Boyd Holbrook playing the lead villain who is the head of security for a global enterprise or Richard E. Grant playing a villainous mad scientist, it doesn't seem to be Fox is keen on adapting Old Man Logan the right way.

So I finally wrote down my movie version of Old Man Logan (which has been swirling in my head for the past two years) that is very faithful to the source material. And I suspect that my Old Man Logan story would be ten times better than whatever Wolverine 3 comes up with.

A lot of posters think that Old Man Logan is impossible to adapt since the original story required characters that belong to the Marvel Studios. This is also one of the main reasons why I'm doing this adaptation, to prove that it can be done. They just have to swap the Marvel Studios characters with the Fox characters.

Old Man Logan is a dark, neo-western, road trip adventure movie. My story is set in Fox and Bryan Singer's X-Men universe, so everything in here is in sync with the past X-Men movies or does not contradict them.

I've also taken the liberty of adding the Fantastic Four and the characters in their world to the adaptation to make it more epic. These Fantastic Four characters are not from the panned 2015 movie directed by Josh Trank but from a possible Fox reboot done right in the future.

Lastly, if you see a YouTube video, play it to listen to the score while you're reading the story. Thanks.

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Dragonlord's OLD MAN LOGAN Movie Adaptation

Nobody knows what happened on the night the Heroes fell forty years ago. All we know is that they disappeared and evil triumphed and the bad guys have been calling the shots ever since. What happened to Wolverine is the biggest mystery of all.

Some say they hurt him like no one ever hurt him before. Some say he just grew tired of all the fighting and retired to a simpler life. Either way, he hasn’t raised his voice or popped his claws in forty years.

This is Old Man Logan.


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Almost forty years ago, the super villains banded together and killed all of the superheroes. The United States has been conquered and divided among the super villains, with territories belonging to The Brotherhood (later conquered by the Blob), The Juggernaut (later conquered by the new Wizard), Mister Sinister, The Hellfire Club and Doctor Doom, who has named himself King Doom.


Heroes have been wiped out of existence, with the few survivors in hiding. Logan is now a pacifist and lives with his wife Maureen and young children Scotty and Jade on a barren plot of land in Sacramento, California, now part of the territory known as "Blobland."

The Blob Gang (children of the Blob) shows up at Logan’s farm demanding the month’s rent. Unable to pay, Logan is severely beaten by his landlords. Logan doesn’t fight back. Before they leave, the Blob Gang threatens to kill Logan’s family if they don’t pay double next month.


That night, a blind Remy LaBeau, formerly known as Gambit, shows up at Logan’s farm with a business proposition. Remy wants Logan to help him travel east to the capital of New Latveria, and deliver a secret package (which Logan assumes to be drugs). Logan accepts but makes it clear that he will never raise his fists again.
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Logan and Remy arrive in what was supposed to be San Francisco but all the people are gone as well as the tall buildings and structures. Remy believes this is the work of the Moloids, subterranean race discovered by the Mole Man. Remy says the Moloids can sink cities right beneath the ground and eat all the inhabitants inside. Remy says some people think that the Moloids are the planet’s immune system designed to thin out the population.

While doing some light exploration in San Francisco, a motorcycle group of punk cyborgs called Reavers show up and attack Remy. Remy shouts to Logan to get to the jeep and protect the cargo. The Reavers get to Logan first and savagely attacks him. Logan does not retaliate. As the Reavers approach the jeep, a barrage of exploding playing cards hits and kills them. Remy is blind but his sense of hearing functions with extraordinary accuracy.


Remy is angry at Logan for not fighting back and asks what did they do to him. Logan answers, “They broke me, bub.” We get a glimpse from the past of a bloodied Wolverine being swarmed by supervillains.
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The two arrive in Angel’s Cross, Nevada. It’s a busy city with a lot of people selling superhero memorabilia on the streets. Angel Falls is the number one tourist attraction in America. It’s also where the people come to pray for the super heroes to come back. Passing through, Logan sees a flock of people kneeling and praying in front of Archangel’s metallic wings propped up like a crucifix.

Remy is informed by one his three ex-wives that their daughter, Ashley (who seems to be an aspiring hero herself), and her friends were captured by the Wizard’s men after unsuccessfully trying to take him down. They’ll be executed in a few hours. Remy offers to double Logan’s payment if he will help him rescue his daughter. Logan agrees but reiterates that he’s not fighting.


While Ashley’s friends are being executed gladiator-style in an arena, Logan and Remy make their way inside the compound where Ashley is being detained. Remy kills his way to Ashley and rescues her. The Wizard enters and Ashley kills him. Ashley declares herself to be the new boss and seizes control of the Wizard’s territory. Remy is stunned and thought Ashley was going to free the town. Ashley says mom probably told him a lie so that he'll rescue her. She betrays her father and orders Remy to be executed in the arena.

Logan rescues Remy and they ride off to the desert. Ashley sends her soldiers to chase after them. Ashley’s crew eventually catches up with Logan and Remy. As the chase progresses, the ground beneath them opens up and swallows everybody inside.

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Ten minutes have passed. Logan wakes up to complete darkness. He calls out to Remy but no answer. He only hears chewing noises in the background. Logan pops out a glow stick. To Logan’s horror, he sees the Moloids feeding on the people that were chasing them. The Moloids are hyper-sensitive to light and runs away from Logan. Logan locates Remy and the two escape to the surface.


To avoid further Moloid traps, they take a detour to Cheyenne, Wyoming. They’re about to enter Storm Falls, Wyoming where the area is afflicted with a never-ending bombardment of different combination of storms (firestorm, tornado, lightning, dust storm, etc.). Remy tells Logan that Ororo survived the ‘Battle of Las Vegas’ and this is where the villains killed Ororo and Forge. Remy says Ororo gave an epic fight to her last breath but screwed up the weather permanently in this area. It happens on rare occasions, but the storm dissipates temporarily as Logan and Remy’s vehicle enters the area. Remy smiles at the sky.

The two reach Pyroville. Logan asks what is that, referring to a 50-foot skeletal figure in tattered costume covered in building debris. Remy says that’s the remains of the mutant villain Tower. “Man, you missed yourself one hell of a fight that night,” Remy said.


They reach South Dakota. Remy wonders aloud what happened to Sue, Franklin and Valerie Richards. Remy says rumor has it that Kang defeated them and dumped them in the time stream. Logan says maybe they’ll come back and save the world, like the good old days. Remy answers, “It’s a little late for that, don’t you think?” The camera zooms out and we see their jeep passing through Mount Rushmore with King Doom as the fifth giant sculptured face on the mountain.
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They stop by at a little bar out of nowhere in Des Moines, Iowa. Remy is still shook up about Ashley and laments on how he has failed as a father and as an X-Men. Apparently, the X-Men threw him off the team when they found out about his connections to Mr. Sinister. Remy comments at least Logan seems a little like his old self. Logan says that’s what he is afraid of. We see a glimpse of a bloodied Wolverine standing over the dead bodies of his enemies. Logan emotionally breaks down, says he loves his family and the little life he has carved out for themselves and he’s only doing this to pay the rent. He doesn't want to go back as Wolverine.


A drunk patron notices Logan sobbing and makes a joke about it. A furious Logan lunges at the drunk and puts his fist underneath his neck and dares him to make one more joke. Remy shouts at Logan to stop. Logan gets out of the bar. After a while, the two are sitting on a camp fire in the mountains. “What did they do to you?” asks Remy. After a while, Logan finally agrees to tell the story of what happened to him so many years ago... the day Wolverine died.
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Logan begins his tale with the night that super villains finally got their act together. Inside the X-Mansion, Logan inquires to Jubilee what’s happening. Jubilee says they are receiving distress calls from the Fantastic Four, X-Force, X-Factor, Future Foundation, X-Calibur and just about everywhere. Jubilee is trying to call them back but all she is getting is a high-pitched noise. Logan says they need to get out of the house now.


An explosion rips through the wall, knocking Logan and Jubilee several feet. “You needed to get out of here twenty minutes ago,” someone said. Stryfe and several super villains appear. “Hello, Wolverine. This is the Big One,” Stryfe says. Jubilee is dead. More super villains break in from the other parts of the X-Mansion. "Kill everyone," Stryfe gives the orders. The children can be heard screaming. Logan goes into berserker mode and kills the intruders in front of him.

Logan kills the attackers pursuing the surviving students. More villains gang up on him. As he is fighting, Logan shouts to Cyclops, Colossus, Nightcrawler and anybody for help. “Where the hell is everybody?!” One of the students says they’ve been missing since the alarms went off. Logan tells the children to run and don’t look back, no matter what they hear.


The battle raged on for several minutes. Despite insurmountable odds, Logan slaughters the attackers. Sabretooth was the last to die with their fight lasting twenty minutes. With his dying breath, Sabretooth mutters, “Logan, stop… Why are you doing this? You’re supposed to be our friend…”

Sabretooth becomes Jubilee. The dead bodies of Mesmero (hypnotism power), Mastermind (illusion creation) and Cassandra Nova (master telepath) suddenly appear with X-Force’s Psylocke and Fantomex standing over them. The villains’ death broke the illusion they created. Logan’s perceived enemies were actually his fellow X-Men.

Logan just killed most of the X-Men.

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Remy is stunned to hear the story. Logan forgot what immediately happened but remembers stumbling across the woods for days, sobbing and crying. The ‘Battle of Las Vegas,’ the final showdown between the heroes and the villains, didn’t even register to him. They broke him so bad that he couldn’t think. All Logan wanted to do was to hurt himself for what he had done. So he waited on a freight train and killed Wolverine on that night.


Remy points out that a train couldn’t kill Logan, not with his healing factor around. “No, but it hurts. And sometimes that’s enough.” Logan explains that why he will never pop his claws ever again. He also suspects the lack of adrenaline led to his healing factor substantially diminished, hence his old age.

The next morning, Logan and Remy reach Dwight’s Toll. A nine-year-old kid named Dwight holding a small, glowing rod is blocking their way to the dried up river bridge. Dwight demands ten dollars to cross the bridge or be destroyed. Logan asks if this is a joke. Remy pays Dwight and their vehicle passes through the bridge. Logan asks was the kid serious? Remy says that was ten dollars well spent. We then see a glimpse of a pile of car debris and human skeletons underneath the bridge.


Logan and Remy reach Hellfire’s Lair, Illinois. They’re soon chased by a monstrous techno-organic being. Logan drives while Remy throws energized projectiles at it. The creature is stunned but continues its pursuit. The creature catches up to them, flips their vehicle, sending Remy and Logan flying off the road. A middle-aged woman appears before them. Logan tells the lady to run. The woman walks towards the techno-organic creature and unleashes a powerful sonic scream which vaporizes the monster. Logan recognizes the woman. It’s Theresa Cassidy, also known as Siryn and Banshee’s daughter. Theresa tells them the Red Queen wants to talk to them.


They reach the Forbidden Quarter where the Red Queen greets them. The Red Queen offers to fix their transportation and provisions for their journey. That is the extent of her help without drawing the attention of the Hellfire Council. Logan asks why is she helping them. The Red Queen says in another lifetime, she’d be fighting alongside them. In the past, she once went by the name of Rachel Summers (the daughter of Scott Summers and Jean Grey). The Red Queen tells Remy she knows what’s in the box and wishes them good luck.
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Logan and Remy reach Iceman Cometh, Connecticut. Remy explains to Logan that the city is in perpetual winter the whole year. They pass by what looks like majestic 300-foot icy blue structures. Remy says this place is being touted as the ‘Ninth Wonder of the World.’ Upon closer inspection, the structures are inanimate Iceman giant clones. Remy says this was Bobby Drake’s last stand.

Logan and Remy finally reach New Latveria. It’s a bustling metropolitan city filled with drones, patrolling police officers and Doom propaganda. There’s also a giant metallic monument of Doom crushing the super heroes in one hand.


Remy delivers his package to an underground resistance group. The package is revealed to be a case filled with an advanced version of the Mutant Cure, a special, anti-mutagenic cure that is capable of removing a mutant's powers. But this version of the Cure is more potent, capable of removing non-mutant’s powers as well.

Remy gives one vial of the Cure to Logan in case he wants to grow old with his wife and family. Logan looks at Remy and it's unspoken but understood that the other reason for Remy giving Logan the Cure is so he can finally die in the near future and put all the pain, suffering and the memory of what he did behind him.

The resistance gives the suitcase of cash to Remy, who in turn gives it to Logan as payment. The cash is fifty times more than what was promised to Logan but Remy says Logan needs it more than him. The resistance also agrees to Remy’s condition that he join them. Remy is excited, he explains it’s the same feeling he got when they made him an X-Men… just to have someone believe in him.
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Doom agents raid the meeting. They shoot and kill Logan, Remy and the resistance members. The corpses and the money are brought to the White House and inside King Doom’s trophy room where it’s filled with the world’s fallen superheroes’ armaments and costumes. At the center of his trophy case is Reed Richard's 30-foot stretched costumed body, his torso resembling a giant canvass and arms like curtain drapes.

Doom wants Remy to be stacked up with the other fallen heroes. One of the agents notices something strange with Remy’s accomplice in the body bag. Doom says of course there is since they riddled him with bullets. The agent says that's not it, his wounds are disappearing…

Logan grabs the agent’s gun and shoots everybody dead. Doom beats up Logan easily, trashing the trophy room and activating the automatic blast doors in the process. Doom mocks Logan for not just being out of shape but for not even using his claws, laughing at how they broke him on that night.


Doom chokes Logan, laughing how pathetic his friend Remy was for thinking he could change this world. Logan suddenly remembers grabs Remy's parting gift. He grabs the Cure vial from his pocket and stabs Doom in the eye with it. The Cure quickly takes effect as Doom's powers are neutralized. Logan roughs up the now-depowered Doom. Doom crawls towards something. In an act of poetic justice, Logan grabs Reed Richard’s stretched skin from the floor and uses it to strangle Doom to his death.

Hordes of Doom’s soldiers get ready to open the blast door and storm the trophy room. Logan frantically searches for a way out. He sees something on the far corner and smiles. With the cash in hand, Logan blows up the White House and flies off with the Fantasticar with Remy's dead body on board. Logan is going home. Several hours later in the air, Logan narrates to Remy's body about a funny incident while they were still with the X-Men. Logan laughs, then his eyes start to well up. "Rest easy, bub. I'm going to miss ya'," Logan says to Remy's corpse.

Logan arrives at his farm. His neighbor Donovan greets him at the farm entrance and informs him that the Blob Gang already dropped by. Logan says he has the money and it’s still two weeks before the deadline. Donovan says the Blob Gang said they got bored. Logan enters his home and sees his wife and children dead and lying on the ground.
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After burying his family and Remy, Logan stays besides the grave of his family for several minutes. After a while, Donovan approaches and pleads to Logan to not do something stupid because they’ll only take it out on them.

Donovan tells Logan he is not the man he used to be.

Logan does not respond.

Donovan begs Logan not to go looking for revenge in those hills.

Still no answer.

“Logan?” asks Donovan.

Logan finally answers.

“The name isn’t Logan, bub.”

A familiar snikt sound is heard.

The claws come out.

Wolverine is back.

The End of Part One.

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Update: April 29, 2016

Dragonlord's Fantasy Casting Vol. 13: OLD MAN LOGAN

For my 13th Dragonlord Fantasy Casting, I've chosen to do Old Man Logan. It's been a wish of mine to see a live-action adaptation of the story. Fox seems to be screwing up with their Old Man Logan version and to prove to the naysayers that the story can't be adapted, that's why I'm doing one of my own.


The 63-year-old Stephen Lang was once the top choice to play the mutant Cable but that casting is becoming less and less ideal with each passing year due to his advanced age. However, Lang is simply perfect to play the elder Adamantium-laced hero for Old Man Logan. More popularly known for his roles in Avatar and Conan the Barbarian, Lang can next be seen in Fede Alvarez's horror Don't Breathe.


This is one of my favorite casting. For weeks I was dumbfounded on finding the right actor to play an old Gambit who is also charming, physically fit and preferably has a French background. Christopher Lambert is just inspired casting as the 59-year-old French-American actor passes all four criteria. Lambert is best known in his starring roles in Highlander and Greystoke. He was last seen in the Coen Bros.' Hail, Caesar!


Ever since I saw her guest appearance in Modern Family, I've been waiting for an opportunity to put the beautiful actress in one of my fancast. The Jessica Lucas lookalike would be a nice fit to play Ashley, daughter of Remy LeBeau and "aspiring superhero." The actress' prominent television roles include supporting stints in 90210, Lost and Undercovers.


Eduardo Escobar was just a small time criminal when he stumbled upon deceased The Wizard's old lair. Equipped with high tech armaments, Escobar became the new Wizard. After the mysterious disappearance of Juggernaut, Escobar took over all his territories. Edgar Ramirez (Wrath of the Titans, Point Break) would make a fine Wizard.


Rachel Summers is the daughter of Scott Summers and Jean Grey-Summers. After her parents' death, the Hellfire Club took Rachel as their ward. Growing up to become a powerful psychic, Rachel rose through the ranks quickly and eventually becoming the Red Queen in the inner circle of the Hellfire Council. The gorgeous Rhona Mitra (Underworld: Rise of the Lycans) would be terrific in the role. The 39-year-old English actress can be seen regularly in TNT's The Last Ship.


Tom Hardy was my first choice as Wolverine way back in 2013 and up to now. So naturally he's once again my choice to play the "young" Wolverine in the flashback scenes for Old Man Logan. The 5'9" English actor had a banner year starring in arguably two of the best films of 2015 - Mad Max: Fury Road and The Revenant, for which he received an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor.


Victor Von Doom allied himself with the world's supervillains and finally defeated their enemies. Conquering the United States, Doom took over the eastern territories and renamed it New Latveria. Due to his powers, Doom managed to prolong his life. In my original Fantastic Four fancast back in 2012, Charles Dance (Game of Thrones) was my pick for Doctor Doom. He's once again my ideal choice for King Doom.

Links to all Dragonlord's Movie Adaptation:

Dragonlord's Movie Adaptation: Old Man Logan

Dragonlord's Movie Adaptation: Captain Marvel 2.0

Dragonlord's Movie Adaptation: Namor: The Sub-Mariner

Links to all Dragonlord's Fantasy Casting:

Dragonlord's Fantasy Casting: Old Man Logan

Dragonlord's Fantasy Casting: Captain Marvel

Dragonlord's Fantasy Casting: Namor: The Sub-Mariner

Dragonlord's Fantasy Casting: Fantastic Four

Dragonlord's Fantasy Casting: Spectacular Spider-Man

Dragonlord's Fantasy Casting: Justice League

Dragonlord's Fantasy Casting: X-Men Reboot

Dragonlord's Fantasy Casting: Daredevil

Dragonlord's Fantasy Casting: Inhumans

Dragonlord's Fantasy Casting: Ant-Man

Dragonlord's Fantasy Casting: Guardians of the Galaxy

Dragonlord's Fantasy Casting: Black Panther

Dragonlord's Fantasy Casting: Doctor Strange

Dragonlord's Fantasy Casting: Preacher
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Awesome. The music was perfect and I like the adaptations to fit the Fox Universe.
I was worried about Blob being the climax, but the fade to black solved that nicely.
Great casting per usual.
First Impression:)


Replacing the Red Skull with Doom is a smart move. Apart from the issue of the Skull being owned by Marvel, it's way past time Doom had a move worthy of him. The only thing I don't like is the manner of his death; Doom has no Super Powers beyond his Superhuman intellect, so a "Cure" wouldn't effect him. In close combat, Doom relies on his Armour, which gives him Superhuman Strength, his Magical abilities - which are second only to Dr Strange - and his Martial Arts skills. Even when not wearing his Armour, Victor is a highly formidable hand to hand combatant. He once killed a lion with a single blow.

I'd suggest Wolverine taunting Victor by calling him a coward who, "Hides his ugly face behind a mask." By this point in the fight, Logan is already on his last legs, or so Doom thinks. In his arrogance, he removes his face mask. He moves close to Wolverine, is about to deliver the killing blow - then Logan stabs him with a shard of broken glass from one the trophy cases. Victor is seriously wounded and Logan finishes him off by strangling him with Mr Fantastic's arms.

To be honest, I don't really think the whole idea of a Mutant Cure works that well. I think it should be the reverse: a retro-virus that actually turns Humans into Mutates with Superhuman Powers. That would be more valuable to the Resistance as it would allow them to build their own Superpowered army.

Your version of Logan killing the X Men is actually an improvement on the original story. I never liked the idea of a B Lister like Mysterio being able to manipulate Logan into killing his friends. I prefer the idea of heavyweight Telepaths like Cassandra Nova and Mastermind being the source of the illusions.

I also like the Blob and his family as Logan's landlords. In the Ultimate Universe, the Blob is a cannibal, and you could use that here, with a scene that implies that Logan's family was not only killed but eaten.:eek:

I love the idea of Gambit being in this movie and again, replacing Hawkeye with him, although it's born of necessity, is actually an improvement on the source material. I'd still keep the scene where his daughter demonstrates her superhuman strength by decapitating the Wizard by hitting him with the shotgun stock.

The shout-outs to Angel, Rachel, Ice Man and especially Storm are very well done. If filmed right, the ice statues scene would be visually stunning.

The Fantasticar scene would bring the feels. I think it should end with Logan giving Reme a Viking's funeral. He set's fire to the car with Reme's corpse sitting in it. We can either show him silently watching the flames consume his friend, or walking away, with the car burning behind him. At night, of course, for maximum effect.

Oh, and that music? Straight in the Feels, man.:oops:
TIs good, would be better than any other wolverine movie.
i guarantee this is better than whatever they come up with
Lambert as Remy is fucking genius. Lambert always had that charm to him every time he's on screen