Social Douglas Murray on JRE. Great talk.


Brown Belt
May 27, 2002
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Talks a lot about the civil unrest. One of the best JRE podasts in a long time.

Not surprised he is a friend of Eric Weinstein and Sam Harris. He also did a long interview with Jordan Peterson in person a couple years ago.

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Douglas Murray is too sharp for his own good. The mainstream media is scared shitless of him ; he's smart, extremely knowledgable on culture, politics, history, religion and human rights, is openly gay and conservative.
Yes Douglas Murray is great. I had heard of him before but I first watched him on Modern Wisdom YouTube channel. (By the way this Modern Wisdom dude has some very intelligent guests)

Murray's presents some very logical and reasonable opinions. Glad he is voicing them despite any backlash he may face.
Douglas Murray is too sharp for his own good. The mainstream media is scared shitless of him ; he's smart, extremely knowledgable on culture, politics, history, religion and human rights, is openly gay and conservative.

He's on the mainstream media in England a lot.

The news just isn't set up for a lecturer type like him. I don't think it's some suppression by the MSM. I did like seeing him put an asshole like Mehdi Hassan in his place for his coy bullshit on the Islamic death penalty, gay rights or his anti semitic views.

I disagree with him on a good deal of stuff, but I'd rather a calm person like him representing conservative viewpoints than one of these idiots on youtube who think America needs conservatives who know nothing but the meme game.
Talks a lot about the civil unrest. One of the best JRE podasts in a long time.

Not surprised he is a friend of Eric Weinstein and Sam Harris. He also did a long interview with Jordan Peterson in person a couple years ago.

Can't take serious if he didn't live a tough life like some of the people he talks about. Actually laughable.
Listened to like an hour whilst doing some housework.

Seems pretty reasonable. Not as melodramatic as much of the anti-sjw crowd.

I laughed though when he said something along of the lines of what if he just called everyone that disagreed with him a pedophile, making an analogy with people shouting racist, homophobe etc.
Shows where he focuses his attention, when that's literally what a swathe of people on the right have been doing.
Talks a lot about the civil unrest. One of the best JRE podasts in a long time.

Not surprised he is a friend of Eric Weinstein and Sam Harris. He also did a long interview with Jordan Peterson in person a couple years ago.

Sweet, I was listneing to a few podcasts of Murray last week actually as he really strikes a chord with me, like Weinstein. I have little time for these shouty, screamy, annoying Shapiro and Crowder types. I agree with many of their views but their delivery does my skull in. I prefer calm and composed, and Weinstein, Harris and Douglas Murray are great. I will be listening to this today.
DM is one of the top intellectual social conservatives today - which is why the left would rather focus on the likes of Alex Jones and Steven Crowder. They still like to convince themselves that they hold the intellectual high ground, even while Chomsky slowly loses his mind and credibility.

Watching him is making me sadder and sadder though. His positivity about the future of the West has been visibly waning for years.
The news just isn't set up for a lecturer type like him. I don't think it's some suppression by the MSM.

He's been on Fox.
The American left just doesn't have the ability to counter calm and intelligent conservative arguments - probably the same reason Victor Davis Hanson is largely ignored.

Plus, he has a British accent - and that's like a wielding weapon of mass destruction when it comes to America's intellectual battlefield.
I just realised I've been conflating Charles Murray and Douglass Murray in my head, and thought this guy was also pushing 80 and wrote the bell curve.

Jesus. That's pretty fucking bad.

This sort of unforgiveable ignorance is what leads to reasonable conservatives being called 'racist' by politically uneducated monkeys.
I'm literally incredulous.
My god.
He's been on Fox.
The American left just doesn't have the ability to counter calm and intelligent conservative arguments - probably the same reason Victor Davis Hanson is largely ignored.

Plus, he has a British accent - and that's like a wielding weapon of mass destruction when it comes to America's intellectual battlefield.
Victor Davis Hanson is one of those guys I stayed away from at first because he was a self described neocon and Trumper but I gave him a chance and he is a really smart guy and interesting to listen to.

My only criticism of him is that he tends to rationalize and basically say “Trump is doing 4D chess” whenever Trump happens to make the right decision, even if it is for the wrong reasons.
He's on the mainstream media in England a lot.

The news just isn't set up for a lecturer type like him. I don't think it's some suppression by the MSM. I did like seeing him put an asshole like Mehdi Hassan in his place for his coy bullshit on the Islamic death penalty, gay rights or his anti semitic views.

I disagree with him on a good deal of stuff, but I'd rather a calm person like him representing conservative viewpoints than one of these idiots on youtube who think America needs conservatives who know nothing but the meme game.

I've seen him on a few panels here and there when they've needed someone for a counter-argument on Islam or immigration almost exclusively. He has more depth on than many of the 'experts' that are brought in regularly to weigh in on topics concerning the social issues and the direction of societal development of the Western societies.
I don't see him being interview for news, maybe because of his style maybe because his views are today deemed controversial and he can scold a journalist or a debate-opponent with ease if he's put into question.
He should've made more headlines from exposing the New Statesman's hack job of Scruton as his name had been already dragged through mud, very publicly.

He's as cool as a cucumber, with witts, bravery and articulation to match.