Doo Ho Choi will become the first Korean Champ

He needs to fight more often if he's going to be champ. Fighting once a year isn't going to cut it.
BJ is half I think.
He will be the first simultaneous FW and chess champion
You werent even close to being the first one to say this.
TS didn't specify

True, just saying. I'm still proud of my fellow Koreans, even if they're half. For a long time mixed Koreans were highly discriminated against in Korea I'm ashamed to say. Hines Ward, BJ Penn, Benson Henderson, and others started to change that perspective in modern times.
Doo Ho Choi...had that for dinner the other night, tad salty.
Doo Ho Choi...had that for dinner the other night, tad salty.

Hey man just wanted to say this is a really funny joke. Good job with this funny joke. It is funny because "Doo Ho Choi" is a name that is unfamiliar to English speakers and could also sound like the name of an Asian food dish. That's why it is a funny joke. Anyway just wanted to say it was funny. And again, good job.