Don't stereotype Romania! Amazing new Romania? The real situation...

We need pictures of Romanian women to judge a countries achievements.
Where all the Pikey Caravans?
i think thats where gypsys come from

Romania does not come from Roma/Romani but from the "people of Rome". We are basically cohorts of Roman military deployed to Dacia where they formed Dacia Felix. That"s why we speak Romance-language and Romanian derives from Latin, mixed with some Slavic, because we are Dacian-Romans.

Gipsies came from India and Pakistan, where they were also pretty much nomadic, they are a bit nomads like the Irish travellers. In Romania are 3.4%, not more than in about other 10-12 countries of Europe.

Any gipsy if you ask him begging on the street, will tell you he is Roma/Romani. Even if he is from France or Spain.

Before they told them gipsies, now they changed their name. We should sue the European Parliament! Because only 40-50% or so of the gipsies are Roma/Romani, rest of them are Sinti, Kale, whatever.

All I know about Romania is a video I was shown in High School of their leader being executed alongside his bitchy wife after trying to flee via helicopter...and I'm not even sure that was Romania.

Romania is too small for the US, what do you know about Poland and the Netherlands for example? Also not much. America is not oriented like us in geography and history. In Europe we try to learn something even about some minor states, if it is interesting. In Europe Romania is not really small, 7th or 8th, with a top 5 now capital as population considering London is out.

Yeah, Nicolae Ceaușescu. He was a right prick, doesn't get enough credit among 20th century bad guys.

Ceausescu was awful, like all the Communists. First, they killed our elites, installed communism here, 45 years of communism was enough. Romania was really developed before, Bucharest was nicknamed Paris of the East.

What is the reputation of Romania?

Not good in Britain for example or in Scandinavia. From there were still don"t get many tourists. And a lot of insults are coming from some ignorants.

Nigel Farage in the UK had a political campaign against Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Lithuania, etc. in order to get votes. They said we are poor, we steal their jobs, etc... And the tabloids bought it! Farage is a liar and a loser.

I've never heard any negative stereotypes of Romania but it's a beautiful looking place with remarkable architecture judging from those pictures.

We've got a bunch of Romanians that came over after 1989, but no national stereotypes of them or their country that I'm aware of.

It"s because in United States, Canada and Australia, the Romanians are very respected. In Western Europe our image was destroyed by those nomads who came from India and Pakistan. :) But they are all over Europe and are marginalized. Poor people, and Europe told us before we don"t integrate them. Actually even if they are 3.4%, just to know they are very organized. But they are not even thieves, maximum very small thefts like pickpocketers. They are usually beggars. Western police does not want to forbid begging, it"s very easy. In Romania it"s forbidden, we also have almost no homeless people, are all at shelters. And Romania was in deep shit in 1990 because Ceausescu paid the debts and starved us.

In Europe, they don"t see the progress, they are very ignorant and don"t know the real situation and are insulting us. Even after we prove we are better than them and we are rising again.

I do not believe the Gypsy population is less than 3.5%. Do not believe. Don't care, but you threw it out there.

It"s more probably but in 2011 when they made the census for the EU they had very complex questions. Still, even if it"s double, we didn"t use the identity. I am not against immigration, just that here our construction workers have legal papers and we can pick them. In Sweden not. Sweden thinks Romania is full of gipsies or very poor, funny...

There was a thread 5-6 years ago about a sherbro who works at a hotel and gypsies go there annually to trash it. That's how my view of Romania was molded.

But where they gipsies from/of Romania anyway? You know, about dozens of states have gipsies. They are not presenting themselves as gipsies, but as Roma/Romani. Easy to confuse it.

We need pictures of Romanian women to judge a countries achievements.

Are ok, women in Eastern Europe are the nicest. Best women are of course on the streets, not on TV.

On television, same like in America I guess. Just a moment
We need pictures of Romanian women to judge a countries achievements.
Gonna need pics of Romanian chicks, to make an informed decision.
Romanian chicks FTW!







I'm not sure I could stereotype Romania. Something about Dracula?
We need pictures of Romanian women to judge a countries achievements.

Are ok, women in Eastern Europe are the nicest. Best women are of course on the streets, not on TV.

On television, same like in America I guess.

Antena 3 is a kind of Romanian FOX, it is pro-Trump and pro-social democrats kind of Romanian republicans. Just news and politics...

They definitely have not just some ok women for their age, but also very smart.

Ana Maria Roman (talk show host on politics, very intelligent)


Olivia Steer (host and producer, very nice woman supporting healthy food and anti-vaccine agenda)


Diana Tache (many times invitee, very smart)



Laura Nureldin (Romanian of Sudanese origin, news)


Andreea Perminov



Simona Tzaranu



Denise Rifai (very charismatic on politics)



Simona Gherghe


Corina Caragea


Cristina Dochianu



Andreea Berecleanu (must be 45 years old now)


Gianina Ilies ex Varga


Alexandra Badoi


Flavia Mihasan

Magda Palimariu


Andreea Gherasim


Anamaria Stancu


Ana Barbu


Lorena Stefu


Alina Puscasu


Albertina Ionescu


Iulia Vantur


Gina Pistol


Andreea Raicu (kind of Keanu Reeves, is home with depression)


Magda Vasiliu


Andreea Cretulescu (smart lady, much smarter than charismatic Denise Rifai)


Octavia Geamanu


Simona Patruleasa


Monica Dascalu


Ilinca Vandici


Oana Andoni


No Romanian ever called me Explosive.

You are explosive, mate! When I was little I was playing soccer between kind of salamanders. Not kidding. I saw more lizards than you can ever think. Wild lizards.
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What is the reputation of Romania?
A genuine quote from a Romanian truck driver “My country, politicians, corrupt, very corrupt. But kind people. This county (U.K) no corruption, but not nice people.”
This thread is great if you read it in borats voice......
Seems like a place you could trade a beaded necklace for a young wife.
What is the reputation of Romania?
In Western Europe, it’s seen as a corrupt, crime infested country with poor medical care and infrastructure.

I have a milder view but part of it is based in truth. Anytime a Romanian orphanage is in the EU news it’s not because of their revolutionary pedagogic methods.

Unless, by revolutionary you mean the communist revolution because that’s probably the era where it stagnated.
I know a Romanian lady. She's tiny, under 5ft tall. She has tiny little feet and her shoes make me laugh because they're all small kids sizes. She moved to England on her own to try a new life, and honestly she is possibly the sweetest, kindest most caring and considerate person I've ever known. Yet she has told me some stories of her being tarred with that brush and abused by awful people (from England).
I also work with a Romanian man, and he is such a decent helpful guy.
I've heard all the negative stuff we get told in our press about Romanians, gypsies, etc etc. (watch White Cat Black Cat for a funny insight into that), and from those two alone, I find it a bit weird that we make our minds up about people based on what some fuck face journalist wants to say in a story. The media loves to always make us angry, hostile, or scared of something. It keeps them in business, and us as the humans that we are, we love to hate. Sad really.
TS you forgot to mention the Carpathians. Romania has amazing nature.
Romania does not come from Roma/Romani but from the "people of Rome". We are basically cohorts of Roman military deployed to Dacia where they formed Dacia Felix. That"s why we speak Romance-language and Romanian derives from Latin, mixed with some Slavic, because we are Dacian-Romans.

Gipsies came from India and Pakistan, where they were also pretty much nomadic, they are a bit nomads like the Irish travellers. In Romania are 3.4%, not more than in about other 10-12 countries of Europe.

Any gipsy if you ask him begging on the street, will tell you he is Roma/Romani. Even if he is from France or Spain.

Before they told them gipsies, now they changed their name. We should sue the European Parliament! Because only 40-50% or so of the gipsies are Roma/Romani, rest of them are Sinti, Kale, whatever.

Romania is too small for the US, what do you know about Poland and the Netherlands for example? Also not much. America is not oriented like us in geography and history. In Europe we try to learn something even about some minor states, if it is interesting. In Europe Romania is not really small, 7th or 8th, with a top 5 now capital as population considering London is out.

Ceausescu was awful, like all the Communists. First, they killed our elites, installed communism here, 45 years of communism was enough. Romania was really developed before, Bucharest was nicknamed Paris of the East.

Not good in Britain for example or in Scandinavia. From there were still don"t get many tourists. And a lot of insults are coming from some ignorants.

Nigel Farage in the UK had a political campaign against Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Lithuania, etc. in order to get votes. They said we are poor, we steal their jobs, etc... And the tabloids bought it! Farage is a liar and a loser.

It"s because in United States, Canada and Australia, the Romanians are very respected. In Western Europe our image was destroyed by those nomads who came from India and Pakistan. :) But they are all over Europe and are marginalized. Poor people, and Europe told us before we don"t integrate them. Actually even if they are 3.4%, just to know they are very organized. But they are not even thieves, maximum very small thefts like pickpocketers. They are usually beggars. Western police does not want to forbid begging, it"s very easy. In Romania it"s forbidden, we also have almost no homeless people, are all at shelters. And Romania was in deep shit in 1990 because Ceausescu paid the debts and starved us.

In Europe, they don"t see the progress, they are very ignorant and don"t know the real situation and are insulting us. Even after we prove we are better than them and we are rising again.

It"s more probably but in 2011 when they made the census for the EU they had very complex questions. Still, even if it"s double, we didn"t use the identity. I am not against immigration, just that here our construction workers have legal papers and we can pick them. In Sweden not. Sweden thinks Romania is full of gipsies or very poor, funny...

But where they gipsies from/of Romania anyway? You know, about dozens of states have gipsies. They are not presenting themselves as gipsies, but as Roma/Romani. Easy to confuse it.

Are ok, women in Eastern Europe are the nicest. Best women are of course on the streets, not on TV.

On television, same like in America I guess. Just a moment
I know everything you just said about Gypsy's.. Except they have settled in places of Romania and become the majority. They have politicians and everything.