Opinion Donald Trump wants to control the Justice Department and FBI. His allies have a plan

You'll have to excuse me for not taking these claims of fascism seriously when the democrats compare J6 to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor.
Not taking them seriously is just ignorance of history. We should all hopefully agree that fascism is terrible, and we should all be vigilant to make sure it never happens here. We can look at how fascists like Mussolini or Hitler rose to power, and learn lessons from that.

The things I am about to list are either already happening, or things Trump is openly claiming he’ll do on his second term. These include things like:

—Replacing government officials with loyalists whose only allegiance is to a strongman or dictator. Trump actually started trying to do this at the end of his last term, and it’s getting worse. Lara Trump controls the RNC now, and purging the RNC has already begun. The RNC is installing election deniers, including those under indictment. While good conservative Americans fell asleep at the wheel, Trump has taken over the party—literally, not figuratively.

—Scapegoating immigrants and minorities. This one is always popular with the fascists. Trump’s false claims that immigrants are pouring in from mental institutions and prisons, and that they are “poisoning the blood of our country,” is all rhetoric we’ve heard before from fascists.

—Suppressing and attacking the free press. All of this nonsense about the “liberal MSM,” “fake news media,” media being the “enemy of the people,” and so on is classic fascist tactics. It’s been very effective too, as conservatives have been conditioned to disbelieve everything that doesn’t come from a right wing, party-approved news source.

—Using supporters to bring fear and violence against opposition. We’ve seen this in the doxxing and threats against poll workers, arned Trump supporters staking out ballot boxes to intimidate voters, and also judges and court staff. It’s worth noting the great care to keep NY jurors anonymous in Trump’s trial; typically this info would be public, but it can’t be for fear of their safety. Fascists also crush opposing a different way, which is my next point.

—Using government as a tool to crush opposition. Trump loves to falsely claim his legitimate indictments are examples of weaponized government; in fact, Trump himself declared several people guilty of treason and then tried to get his intelligence agencies and DOJ to prove it. Right now, Trump is campaigning on prosecuting his political opponents, and using the military to crush protests and free speech.

Sadly, history also shows that most people will ignore all of this, brush it off, blame it on media exaggeration, and so forth. That’s precisely what happened in Germany in the 1930s. Since we have the benefit of history there’s really no excuse for letting this all go unchecked—but sadly I suspect that I could shot all of this from the rooftops, and most Americans simply won’t care.
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There's certainly use in debating. But the reality is the right in America, IE MAGA, is filled with uneducated and disingenuous people. So in that sense you are right, as it's really difficult to find common ground or debate properly with bad faith actors.

It's also really difficult to debate people who actually believe the things Donald Trump says.
no, there is no use in talking. i think most people are reaching that conclusion.
You'll have to excuse me for not taking these claims of fascism seriously when the democrats compare J6 to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor.
What does trying to throw out millions of legal votes just because they didnt vote for you mean to you? Its great you want to give that guy another chance.
The vax mandate.

What vax mandate? Didn't you guys have the option to be regularly tested instead of getting vaccinated?

There were guys in my shop that didn't get vaccinated, and Canada took the pandemic a lot more seriously than America.
supporting trump means normalizing the insane shit he does and believes. But also the media does it. Like every time the media talks about trump they should say man who tried to use the courts to throw out your votes and illegal schemes to stay in power wants to be president again
Yeah, the media is just so easy on Trump. When are they ever gonna turn up the heat on that guy?
Just fucking say it, it's only ok if it's done to the other side.

If they can get Trump then that's the way things go. You fuck up and you pay.

Creepy Joe and the crack baby did all kinds of shit with influence pedaling. Right now with the protect they are giving nothing going to happen. Now when he leaves office the investigation and charges should be interesting. You fuck up and you pay.

What protections? Republicans don't even know what crimes they think Biden has committed. Despite what, years of nothingburger investigations, they still can't name a single law that was supposedly broken.
Bull no more the Biden and his handlers.

Look at our borders. Look at what he has done to women. And that's just touching on the shit he has slung out.
There's no comparison. TR7MP has actually been indicted along with dozens of his co-conspirators. The House MAGA Committee has been desperately trying to tie Joe to any type of crime and have failed miserably. The best they have is to claim that we can't take his word for it, he has to prove his innocence, so they should have more power to gain access to his personal records.
I would be for removing the DOJ leadership as a potus appointed position politically. Should be a congressional appointment with a rule if you or immediate family is involved either working g for, donations, or volunteer work for either party your disqualified. To assure as much neutrality as possible.
You'll have to excuse me for not taking these claims of fascism seriously when the democrats compare J6 to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor.
Really? That's Democrats? I only ever see MAGA people say that as they try to downplay a President conspiring to overturn an election they lost.
I heard a lot of these things in 2015/2016. Remember the "he'll have his finger on the button" hysteria? He's already been POTUS once and the country didn't collapse and in some ways Biden has been shown to be more authoritarian.

Besides, if Trump crosses lines then he can be impeached.
GTFOH... We have already seen partisan politics trumps the safeguard of being able to impeach the President. Even for something as serious as trying to overturn the election only a few showed enough guts to go against the group.
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Oh', he can just disband the House and Senate?

Oh' yeah, things are just so calm under Biden right now...
If TR7MP is somehow elected again let's hope the House and Senate are controlled by Democrats. Otherwise your quip here is just lip service knowing he won't be impeached if his party is in control of those chambers.
GTFOH... We have already seen partisan politics trumps the safeguard of being able to impeach the President. Even for something as serious as trying to overturn the election only a small group showed enough guts to go against the group.
Thats because those were partisan witch hunts.
Thats because those were partisan witch hunts.
There's plenty of evidence and it has since led to indictments. Are you really denying they had a plot to overturn the election? It was just a coincidence TR7MP had a rally scheduled at the place and time the election was being certified and then directed them all to the Capitol?
Oh', he can just disband the House and Senate?

Oh' yeah, things are just so calm under Biden right now...
Lol...things are unusually calm under Biden.

And I like how you don't even address whether he would if he could disband Congress, because you know for a fact he'd do it on day one if possible<lol>
Oh', he can just disband the House and Senate?
You don’t really need to disband them. We’ve watched more moderate republicans leave Congress already; you just need to elect enough MAGA loyalists to rubber stamp whatever Trump wants and refuse to impeach or remove him no matter what he does. We’ve seen hints of that already.