Donald Trump suggests 2nd Amendment folks do something about Hillary

focus on Trumps stupid one liners, and not hrc's crimes, and then laugh at others for being uneducated or something. it's a mad world.

People aren't as dumb as media and some of Clinton's followers are hoping. November will prove that, this over PC is only helping the Don grow.
2A refers to the right to bear arms. It doesn't say anything about shooting them.
Space is so fat that when you're in Space, no one can hear you scream.

There, throw in fat shaming too.

What remains to be seen is how crazy you and the other Drumpfs will get by November. Will there even be a soul left when the soul crushing defeat happens? You guys are already concocting another series of murders, which is literally a play out of Jerry Falwell's 20 year old book. I can't imagine where you'll go next. What can she do to top serial murder?

Just one more crappy post from you that garnered 0 likes.
2A refers to the right to bear arms. It doesn't say anything about shooting them.

Yeah. "Bear" means rattle them like sabres instead of operating them as intended. Or maybe you're confusing it with "keep"? :D
Yeah. "Bear" means rattle them like sabres instead of operating them as intended. Or maybe you're confusing it with "keep"? :D

I thought that was a funny little point though. I always associated bear as carry.
Is Trump pretty much the worst nominee in history at this point?

Scott Walker and Michelle Bachmann were just as bad if not worse than Trump.

Technically they weren't nominees but they were trying hard for thst nomination. IMO, they would've been worse or just as terrible as Donny.
Scott Walker and Michelle Bachmann were just as bad if not worse than Trump.

Technically they weren't nominees but they were trying hard for thst nomination. IMO, they would've been worse or just as terrible as Donny.

KONG, name me a democrat you don't like.
KONG, name me a democrat you don't like.

Im not a big Hillary Clinton fan.

But the democrats have never released such pieces of shit like Bachmann and Walker on the world. This never happens. And they're just the tip of the iceberg. The list is endless really.

The republicans are a joke party. Have been for decades. This election only cements them being pathetic. Trump is finished.
The Donald REALLY flying too close to the sun now.

Is he literally going to try and shoot someone just to see if he loses any votes? Jesus Christ.
Im not a big Hillary Clinton fan.

But the democrats have never released such pieces of shit like Bachmann and Walker on the world. This never happens. And they're just the tip of the iceberg. The list is endless really.

The republicans are a joke party. Have been for decades. This election only cements them being pathetic. Trump is finished.

Nice. I didn't think you had it in you. I hope you didn't expect me to defend the republicans here did you?
focus on Trumps stupid one liners, and not hrc's crimes, and then laugh at others for being uneducated or something. it's a mad world.

You do realize Trump has been taken to court like 123 times and found guilty numerous times.

Meanwhile, the GOP has spent 25 years and 500 million trying to get something on Hillary, and nothing. Nada. Zero.
Nice. I didn't think you had it in you. I hope you didn't expect me to defend the republicans here did you?

The real question is how could anyone defend Bachmann or Scott Walker.

One is nit the other destroyed the state of Wisconsin. But let's not forget all their other gems. Herman Cain, Palin, Brownback, Hucakbee, Alan Keyes, etc etc etc.

I mean for the love of Pete where do you see this anywhere other than from the right. Not only do they throw literal shit out there but they do it with a straight face. As if these clown car rejects are proudly supported by the right wing. They actuslly like these people. It's insane.

Let's not forget Louie Gohmert. Any party associated with this inbred imbecile should be rocketed into a dying white dwarf.

Say what you want about the democrats, these people don't exist on their side like how they exist on the right.
You do realize Trump has been taken to court like 123 times and found guilty numerous times.

Meanwhile, the GOP has spent 25 years and 500 million trying to get something on Hillary, and nothing. Nada. Zero.

Lol, yeah. The criminal who has never been caught doing anything. Funny thing.

The strongest right wing move is to lie, then keep on lying some more for decades and eventually people think it's true, because who would continue a lie that long.
People aren't as dumb as media and some of Clinton's followers are hoping. November will prove that, this over PC is only helping the Don grow.

Clearly true from the poll numbers.

Let me guess, all of them are just in hillarys pocket. Even fox news.
It's obvious he meant for a gun owner to shoot Clinton so he can win the race.
Yeah, it's pretty unbelievable.

But he's so smart!

Lol, that's an amazing sentence. I'm a noted run-on sentence addict, but that's a whole new level. Milton would be proud.

Candace SmithVerified account



Clearly true from the poll numbers.

Let me guess, all of them are just in hillarys pocket. Even fox news.

No it's been up and down and will continue until NOV. I don't much much stock in any of the polls. It's just something to talk about now and a really broad picture