Donald Trump Jr.'s Russia email scandal shakes the Presidency, v6: Mueller Probing Trump Business

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Yes, by the very fact that his campaign promises were totally unfeasible, to say the least, he would.
And isn't he and his wife under investigation for fraud?
Bernie is a joke. He got BTFO by his own party via dishonest and dirty tactics, and yet grabbed his ankles in endorsing the very candidate that fucked him. The word cuck is way over ued, but it applies to Bernie perfectly.
Of course he endorsed her. Just like the GOP held their noses and made Trump their nominee.
The odds keep going up with every revelation and temper tantrum.
At first I sort of rolled my eyes at the idea that Trump would collude with the Russians.

It seemed so dumb and Hollywood- scripted.

But I'll be goddamned if it doesn't really look like he did.
What the hell is it with these guys assuring us indignantly that no meeting took place only to be proven liars?

Why can't they be honest about it?

Why is the President exploring the reach of his pardoning powers?

Why can't Trumpbots admit that this has escalated to a point that it's silly to suggest there's nothing to it?
Of course he endorsed her. Just like the GOP held their noses and made Trump their nominee.
Fair enough.
But the DNC royally fucked him beyond the usual "this is a competition" level of fuckery. This isn't even disputed.
This past election has got to be the worst field of candidates to choose from in my lifetime.
What the establishment really thought was going to happen was they'd either get another Bush or another Clinton, both globalist, wall street whores. A win -win.
Fuck dynasties, that shit is as un-American as it gets.
I hear you, and I'm not "calling for" anything. We are already having VERY violent "protests". Have been. I hate to even use the word protests, because it sullies what those really are. But from the campaign through now, the violence has not been from the right, my friend. I'm just saying enough is enough and it's about time to reel it in and wait to take care of your business in the next election, which is how we do things. Believe me when I say people are getting sick of that shit from the left. And if it does break loose, the antifa and the leftists will wish it never had, that's all. Those who think they're tough and righteous will quickly find themselves victims if it does. Think of it as the sleeping dog analogy. There are tens of millions of me out there, and when push comes to shove (or even to push, frankly---lol) and I fear for me and mine, I will serve up a lesson in violence that a recipient will never forget if he lives to be 100.

I don't want Pence or Ryan. Again, I wasn't even a Trump supporter early, but once the MSM, liberals and even establishment republicans turned on him (right before the OH primaries), it struck me...
If all these dirty, nasty, corrupt motherfuckers are aligned against him, then I'll take that guy. No shit, that's how he got me on board. Right then. When Kasich came out hard against him (Kasich is a turncoat bitch, BTW---well prior to that), it sealed the deal for me.

And again, nobody opened any books over the last 8 years. Ever. Blocked every inquiry, used executive privilege and executive orders like no one before ever (I'm not talking quantity, I'm talking to circumvent congress and the constitution). Stacked the federal judiciary with FAR-left weirdos, you name it. I have not forgotten, and I won't. So I guess I find this sudden outrage hypocritical and I don't pay it much mind.

I also hear you on the twitter stuff. He lets fly and could certainly reel that in himself. However, I still think much of what he says needs to be said, and I'm glad someone is saying it. Not all, but much. I sometimes think he steps on his dick, too. But I don't swear blind allegiance to anyone. Least of all politicians.

You're a good guy as far as I'm concerned, too. Enjoy the weekend, brother! I'm stepping out for some pool time, myself.

You are outnumbered.

Bring it.

Speak up, Trumpbots.

Do you honestly believe the President wasn't informed about the TT meeting before it took place, and about its results?

He knew it was happening and he knew what to expect from it, is my bet.

If that's borne out, he's a piece of shit and that isn't even a question.
Colluding with Russia to install a Russia friendly POTUS.

You Trumpbots have a lot of soul searching to do, your patriotism is as soft as the two-tusks-short-of-a-walrus looking out of shape fatty in the Office.

I absolutely think he knew. But then again it's possible that Jr and Kushner didn't inform him to purposely keep him shielded. Unlikely but possibly - none of us know for certain.

With that said i really don't give a shit about any meetings with Russia.Or meetings with NK, Iran, China etc. Y
Unless both agreed to do something illegal who gives a shit. And if they were offered Intel exposing hillary? Pfft they were campaigning against eachother. As an American it would be morally wrong to turn down possible info that would expose a corrupt politician. Politicians should be exposed Trump included. You dont think Hillarys people had meetings with Israel, SA, China etc?

Just a reminder that this is geopolitics, government officials discuss shit - we call it diplomacy.

Now I know you're all emotional but try understand this the perspective that many hold. Nothing immoral occurred. Your "colluding" consists of two parties engaged in free speech and communication.
Sort of a will he or won't he moment...

Congress Reaches Deal on Russia Sanctions, Creating Tough Choice for Trump

Trump played it up for the cameras, but after the Senate passed it, he let the story die, or tried his best, and when the American people weren't looking, quietly tried to coerce the House into changing the bill to give him vast unilateral executive power over the nature and enforcement of the sanctions. Gotta protect those deeply vested business interests in Russia, after all.

I think Congress is losing patience with Trump constantly throwing them under the bus. They just kind of cut his balls off in front of the nation.

Also, I love the word "bicameral". Haven't seen that one in a while. Hats off to you, New York Times. It never feels forced with you. I could never stomach The Village Voice because of that.

This new round of sanctions were a setup by true patriots in Congress.

It passed 98-2 in the Senate.

Your move Trump.
You have no way of knowing that. Stop making stuff up
I'll believe the US intelligence community before I believe someone desperately trying to defend Trump.

Mueller is as impartial as anyone who could lead the investigation. Any gripes are due to Trump and his team attempting to discredit him. You go ahead and follow Trump blindly but I'd like the investigation to follow through to it's conclusion.
I'm glad this mueller guy is investigating Trumps business deals.

If they don't find anything illegal there then this means the sore losing leftists will surely concede defeat? Or will we continue to enjoy their tears for another 7 years?
I absolutely think he knew. But then again it's possible that Jr and Kushner didn't inform him to purposely keep him shielded. Unlikely but possibly - none of us know for certain.

With that said i really don't give a shit about any meetings with Russia.Or meetings with NK, Iran, China etc. Y
Unless both agreed to do something illegal who gives a shit. And if they were offered Intel exposing hillary? Pfft they were campaigning against eachother. As an American it would be morally wrong to turn down possible info that would expose a corrupt politician. Politicians should be exposed Trump included. You dont think Hillarys people had meetings with Israel, SA, China etc?

Just a reminder that this is geopolitics, government officials discuss shit - we call it diplomacy.

Now I know you're all emotional but try understand this the perspective that many hold. Nothing immoral occurred. Your "colluding" consists of two parties engaged in free speech and communication.

It was morally wrong to meet with agents of a foreign country to obtain any intelligence from a foreign power.

Everyone agrees the right thing to do would have been to call the FBI once offered.
Except that we do, and it's already been produced in a past version of this thread. The NYT uncovered the fact that Trump's own legal team (including Kasowitz and Sekulow) knew about the meeting at least one month before the story broke, so to argue that he didn't know is to argue that his legal team found this so inconsequential a matter that they didn't bother to inform him. So either his legal team is grossly incompetent, or Trump knew.

Trump Claims He Didn’t Know About Collusion Meeting But …

See the whole "Smoking Gun" timeline here.

They ran with this lie-- that Trump didn't find out about the meeting until July 8th-- at the same time they were still trying to perpetrate the lie that it was about adoptions. Of course, that lie was blown up. Furthermore, The Hill reported...
Trump campaign paid Trump Jr.’s lawyer weeks before Russia meeting revelation

If you wish to be willfully daft in devotion to Trump, go ahead, but any unbiased observer can see-- plain as day-- that Trump knew, he damn well knew, and that he continues to lie about it. This does constitute "evidence". So the rest of us have moved on to, "Why is he lying? What is he hiding? What is in this nothingburger that is so terrifying he fears will come out, and why is he so desperately scrambling to suppress it?"

One month ago is a far cry from Trump knowing at the time or before it happened.
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It was morally wrong to meet with agents of a foreign country to obtain any intelligence from a foreign power.

Everyone agrees the right thing to do would have been to call the FBI once offered.

Disagree. Always be open to communication - especially with the enemy. But don't trust any intelligence agencies foreign or domestic.

And the FBI director was proven to be corrupt and untrustworthy.
It was morally wrong to meet with agents of a foreign country to obtain any intelligence from a foreign power.

Everyone agrees the right thing to do would have been to call the FBI once offered.
Not Donny Moscow.
He thinks anyone would have taken the meeting.
Like the seventy year old child he is, he stomps his feet and asserts, "Everybody does it!"

No, they fucking don't.

He's a treasonous liar.
Disagree. Always be open to communication - especially with the enemy. But don't trust any intelligence agencies foreign or domestic.

And the FBI director was proven to be corrupt and untrustworthy.

This is why you don't get to do anything important.
Lol, at this country ever becoming a socialist utopia.
Never gonna happen.
And I think you can figure out why.
It's still more likely than a retarded wall paid for by Mexico that is nothing more than a cosmetic symbol of Donald Trump and the absolute idiocy of the people who a) thought it would actually get done and b) thought it actually might be effective. This isn't just some sidebar of his campaign, it was one of his main selling points.
Some of my favorite quotes from the rambling interview he gave to the failing NYT:

"So the meal was going and toward dessert I went down just to say hello to Melania, and while I was there I said hello to Putin ...just talked about -things. Actually it was very interesting, we talked about adoption."

"I think we have six people who are really sort of okay. They're all good people, we don't have bad people. I know the bad people. Believe me do I know bad people."

"I've given the farmers back their farms. I've given the builders back their land to build houses and to build other things."

"I have had the best reviews on foreign land. So I go to Poland and make a speech. Enemies of mine in the media, enemies of mine are saying it was the greatest speech ever made on foreign soil by a President."

"Napoleon... he did so many things even beyond. and his one problem is he didn't go to Russia that night because he had extracurricular activities and they froze to death. How many times has Russia been saved by the weather?"

His precision is so precise
His genius mind could swallow us whole
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