Crime Donald Trump Hush Money Fraud Trial (5/30 Update: Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Felony Charges)

Guys like @HereticBD and @Mr Holmes are alright in my book. They contribute to the WR in a positive way.

@HereticBD is always angrily ranting and insulting people with a "get off my lawn" vibe.

Does make it interesting though 😂

It would be boring if everyone agreed with each other. Then it would just be a big circle jerk.
This is just my personal opinion here. I think most people recognize that's Trump's economy end very poorly. Now we could argue covid and all sorts of stuff. Remember that the Republicans and their mouth pieces kept telling everyone the economy was going to collapse in the covid recovery. However it never did. Most people recognize that this inflation has been driven by profits for corporations. Even the housing market prices were driven by corporations investment in to single family housing.

When talking about Trump vs Biden most will see that Trump SCOTUS picks have had a negative effect. When trying to argue that Trump was so much better than Biden it ends up a wash. Trumps own presidency if hampered by just as many or more unfulfilled promises and a tax cut plan that is hammering the lower and middle class in exchange for tax cuts for the rich.

The people that voted Biden last time didn't vote for Biden because they love Biden. They voted for him because he is not Trump. We get arguments like Biden is old and showing mental decline. That also fits for Trump. He'll even the nickname Sleepy Joe has lost meaning when Trump couldn't stay awake in his own trial. Biden gaffes are matched or even out paced by Trump's.

I've never been a big Biden fan, I didn't want him running for 2020. He has some creepy behavior, not a great speaker, a career politician pushing the same old politics. Yet when compared to Trump he is still not had a trial where the judge says he is a rapist, hasn't thrown a fit about not winning an election then tried to mislead his supporters in a power grab. Trump has a proven history of being creepy and acting on his sexual urges. The list of complaints about how bad Biden is, that Trump them matches and exceeds is crazy. Even when people bitch about Hunter Biden getting rich of the Biden name the Trump family takes to the extreme.Biden caught in a lie? Trump lies all the time about everything lol.

This stuff isn't as lost on the American voters as the loud Trump supporters would have you believe. Now on top of all of that Trump is a convicted felon because he tried to use an under the table deal to influence the 2016 election.
That's a whole lot of "I don't like Biden, but..."

We'll find out in November, but I wouldn't count on Biden winning simply because he isn't Trump. Not this time around, when people have had four years to judge his performance that has him sitting lower than Trump at the same point in their Presidency. That is a folly of the Democrats thinking they can just do anything they want, piss off millions of people in the process, all because they're banking on the "not Trump" vote. That's what Democrats are riding, and it's foolish, and practically an admission that they know Biden sucks and can't run on his record.

I mean, you dedicated a paragraph in all that, to Biden somehow not being more aloof than Trump. That's just desperation, and nobody is buying it. Trump is balancing a trial with a campaign, and showing up at major sporting events. Those are not the actions of somebody in decline. Meanwhile, Biden is barely visible...for a very good reason. He's an unpredictable mess of an old man, and the Dems know it. Ultimately, the Dems know that they can not run and win on Biden's performance as President. That's a big red flag.

Your hail mary is abortion rights. That's it. That's all you got. That's a needle mover. All that other stuff is not going to elevate Biden. No, people do not trust Biden more with the economy. No, not everyone agrees that Trump's SC picks are poison to the country(albeit the abortion thing does factor into that). No, Trump does not look as old and out to lunch as Biden. No, Trump didn't just cut taxes for the rich, and that's it. Those are Reddit forum talking points. Not reality.
Honestly baffled people don't seem to give two shits about the actual even application of the law.

No care about the actual laws. Only that someone they don't like or politically oppose is found guilty at all costs.

That's a dangerous precedent to set because it could be turned around on anybody then.
Well, keep that in mind the next time you commit business fraud, + campaign finance violation...YOU could be next. <NotListening>

oh shit. which MAGAdogger do i have to send my thoughts and prayers to this time?

come to think about it, that genecope dude had a motorhome. now he's a goner. i guess he either had evidence in there of election fraud, or information that would lead to the arrest of hillary clinton.
You love to see it.... as long as all the humans were OK.
Cunts cant park a plane, can't drive a bus. Fuck those GravySeals mean bidnezz!
if it wasnt for todd blanche stating during opening arguments that his client denies the affair between himself and stormy daniels had happened, opening up the door for the prosecutors to introduce specific evidence and testimony about the affair allegations, we never would have gotten to know the juicy stuff, like that the devoted christian family man told a whore from the gangbang videos that she reminded him of his daughter right before he fucked her without a condom. or that he hasn't slept in the same bedroom as his wife for over 17 years now.

god bless the fraudy felon and his shit ass lawyers.
Terrible, terrible lawyering
@HereticBD is always angrily ranting and insulting people with a "get off my lawn" vibe.

Does make it interesting though 😂

It would be boring if everyone agreed with each other. Then it would just be a big circle jerk.
HereticBD will drop some good line out of no where.
@HereticBD is always angrily ranting and insulting people with a "get off my lawn" vibe.

Does make it interesting though 😂

It would be boring if everyone agreed with each other. Then it would just be a big circle jerk.

to hell with that noise! when i want to hear unbiased opinions from a diverse group of educated people, i head on over to
Prison for the tRump family dynasty of trailer park weirdos. Dude wants to leave America if he loses election shows that he cares nothing and is a threat to America. Make America Great by getting rid of all MAGA freaks.
He ain't leaving shit. He's got a date with a as a felon most countries won't let him in. I suppose he can go hang out with Putin, but I wouldn't give him a long life expectancy over there once he no longer has any power here.
He ain't leaving shit. He's got a date with a as a felon most countries won't let him in. I suppose he can go hang out with Putin, but I wouldn't give him a long life expectancy over there once he no longer has any power here.
if he goes to Russia he will just be Putin's token/prize paraded around when needed. just like Steven Segal, Ritter, Tucker, etc. useful idiots.
Business records that were fabricated for what? A cover up? To cover up what? A sex act Trump has claimed multiple times publicly didn't happen and she was lying about. Stormy testifying to the details of her relationship is not going to get this appealed as it can be attributed to addressing her credibility on the topic that has been publicly questioned. This has nothing to do with Weinstein's case.

If trump's lawyers had such an issue with the details they should have done their job and objected when they came up, but they didn't, they sat on their ass. Maybe they thought stormy was hurting her testimony and regretted not after losing. Either way it doesn't matter because they didn't object which is why the appeal will fail. It's not the courts fault trump hired shit lawyers in your opinion.

Do you actually believe this will be appealed? You actually believe that? Are you really that gullible? Or you just have to go down with ship on this one?
And again, if it was to cover up a sex act, as you've now said twice, it is not a felony. The only way to make it a felony or prosecutable 8 years later at all is it what was being covered up was a crime, which you've already admitted it is not.

If it was to cover up having sex 20 years ago, the DA would have said that when asked, instead of "I dont have to tell you", and it would have been a misdemeanor well past the statute of limitations.
it's obvious what really happened. you got a deep state mod to do a name change and we all know jacket time is still really jacket time. wanting a maid to clean up your vomit after a heavy night of drinking and snacking on corn is chuddery at it's finest. no one buys this!

every forum needs its corrupt AF moderator.

brb, offering up some more vcash to extend those dubbs of yours, and summoning Mr. Slave to puff my pillows and clean my bedsheets.
That's a whole lot of "I don't like Biden, but..."

We'll find out in November, but I wouldn't count on Biden winning simply because he isn't Trump. Not this time around, when people have had four years to judge his performance that has him sitting lower than Trump at the same point in their Presidency. That is a folly of the Democrats thinking they can just do anything they want, piss off millions of people in the process, all because they're banking on the "not Trump" vote. That's what Democrats are riding, and it's foolish, and practically an admission that they know Biden sucks and can't run on his record.

I mean, you dedicated a paragraph in all that, to Biden somehow not being more aloof than Trump. That's just desperation, and nobody is buying it. Trump is balancing a trial with a campaign, and showing up at major sporting events. Those are not the actions of somebody in decline. Meanwhile, Biden is barely visible...for a very good reason. He's an unpredictable mess of an old man, and the Dems know it. Ultimately, the Dems know that they can not run and win on Biden's performance as President. That's a big red flag.

Your hail mary is abortion rights. That's it. That's all you got. That's a needle mover. All that other stuff is not going to elevate Biden. No, people do not trust Biden more with the economy. No, not everyone agrees that Trump's SC picks are poison to the country(albeit the abortion thing does factor into that). No, Trump does not look as old and out to lunch as Biden. No, Trump didn't just cut taxes for the rich, and that's it. Those are Reddit forum talking points. Not reality.
Trump can't hardly drink out of a water bottle. The dude is shot. Trump is a gaffe machine but is for some reason compared to a religious messiah. There is a huge difference in the people that will vote Trump vs Biden. There is no worshipping going on for Biden because that behavior is insane. Like I keep telling you more people will vote Biden because he isn't Trump. One thing I notice is that the big vocal Trump supporters tend to assume everyone else loves him too. Anyways we will see how it plays out.
And again, if it was to cover up a sex act, as you've now said twice, it is not a felony. The only way to make it a felony or prosecutable 8 years later at all is it what was being covered up was a crime, which you've already admitted it is not.

If it was to cover up having sex 20 years ago, the DA would have said that when asked, instead of "I dont have to tell you", and it would have been a misdemeanor well past the statute of limitations.
Pretty sure prostitution is illegal
Trump can't hardly drink out of a water bottle. The dude is shot.
Again, you're not convincing anyone of that. It's just desperate cope, because you know Biden looks and acts like a corpse. Nobody but desperate Liberals, believe they're on the same plane, and they don't even truly believe it.

There is no worshipping going on for Biden because that behavior is insane. Like I keep telling you more people will vote Biden because he isn't Trump.
And I'm telling you that his historically low approval rating dispels that notion. Biden, on paper, is more hated than Trump. I know that fact won't hit home until Trump is being sworn in, but just know that. This ain't "clean slate" Obama's VP Biden, who Barely beat Trump in 2020. This is "shitty Presidential term" Biden.

Anyways we will see how it plays out.
Again, you're not convincing anyone of that. It's just desperate cope, because you know Biden looks and acts like a corpse. Nobody but desperate Liberals, believe they're on the same plane, and they don't even truly believe it.

And I'm telling you that his historically low approval rating dispels that notion. Biden, on paper, is more hated than Trump. I know that fact won't hit home until Trump is being sworn in, but just know that. This ain't "clean slate" Obama's VP Biden, who Barely beat Trump in 2020. This is "shitty Presidential term" Biden.

insanity /10
And I'm telling you that his historically low approval rating dispels that notion. Biden, on paper, is more hated than Trump.

on history, the facts state otherwise.

according to some random polls or whatever, the majority of people may not like the current president who received more votes than any other presidential nominee in election history (by a lot!), but they still vote for him. joe daddy has a solid track record when it comes to winning all kinds of elections, and he knows how to win a popular vote.
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