Don Frye using oxygen pump

  • Thread starter Towsonwrestling
  • Start date


I have seen Don Frye us this oxygen between rounds, you guys know where i can get one of them.
Would be nice if you posted the picture.
Well if you have ever seen old peoples oxygen tanks the part you put ur mouth to is the same but it is attached to a small tank.
Towsonwrestling said:
Well if you have ever seen old peoples oxygen tanks the part you put ur mouth to is the same but it is attached to a small tank.

Look up medical grade oxygen. I'm sure you can find a non-rebreather mask, flowmeter and pressure guage, and tank online. Worse comes to worse, call up your local ambulance service and ask where they get theirs.

BTW, 100% O2 is probably the single best hangover cure there is.
Tomson, are you sure this is legal in wrestling?

I know they used it in high school football, but every sport is different.
Yeah sure it is. When iam at tournaments the air is so humid and since iam inside all day i cant get fresh air i thought this would help out.
ide feal weird using it at a tournament.. but sounds like a good idea.
i think its a good idea as long as its not overused to the point where you take the mask off and get dizzy.
its like an Oxygen Bar, 99 percent oxygen ! i need to find this.
We got them on the university football team for the linemen, back when i was playing.
I was at the hospital the other day and the doctor said something about needing anything over 4ml of oxygen that you need a doctors perscription. I don't know if thats just while in the hospital or what. But as far as Don Frye goes, I think when your so old you need O2 tank, you may want to consider giving it up.
If you can take that shit legal between rounds, I have no f'ing clue why you wouldn't.

Taking oxygen between rounds of wrestling will give you basically the same advantage as training on roids for 12 weeks.

I can't believe that's legal. I thought it was restricted to asthmatics and athletes with respiratory problems.