Does this mean Rogans really leaving?


Silver Belt
Feb 2, 2008
Reaction score
Even if the company is essentially unchanged except with deeper pockets possibly and Dana staying President?

Rogan is essential.

They probably decide to shove a bunch of cash in front of his face too I reckon.
Really dont want Joe to leave and spend the rest of his days eating Elk and bow hunting : o (
Pretty sure Joe meant he'd leave if Dana and Ferttitas cut ties completely but who knows.
Depends. Rogan talks a lot about how much he appreciate his 'freedom' working for Zuffa. He's totally aware of how much shit he gets away with due to his personal relationship with Dana.

If that is to change now with the sale he might just bail out.
They'll probably drive a dump truck full of money to his house to try and convince him to stay.
Didn't he say he was leaving anyway, when his contract is up, in August?
It's more likely that Rogan was planning to leave because he's been doing the announcer gig for a long time and he's ready to move on in life. The timing of a sale would be as good a time as any to make that change, especially as the new owners could start off by giving the brand a face lift with someone new in the chair.
Didn't he already say he was considering bailing, before the sales rumors ever appeared?

Either way, I'm fine with him leaving.
If he wants to leave then Im not going to be bothered by it. He probably enjoys doing the fight companion podcast now anyway. The last 2 PPV he hasnt really been the motivated high energy rogan has he.
I'm tired of joe's commentary at this point. time for some new talent to replace him and goldie.
I would rather they get bas.
I will miss Joe

Nah, they'll most likely want something more professional

You could totally tell rogan changed his tone in UFC 200 - the allegedly new buyers probably told him to STFU

He's basically Docile Rogan at this point
If Rogan leaves I pray they take Goldberg out too. Goldie is only barely tolerable with Joe there
Joe is playing the game, he's in a great position, he'd happily leave.

So they will have to pay through the nose to keep him.
I sure hope not. But it's not like he hasn't got other shit to keep himself occupied with in case he does leave. Wish him all the best regardless.