Does Nate look so tall because of the shape of his head?


Loli is love loli is life!
Mar 24, 2012
Reaction score
He is listed at 6'0 and probably isn't much taller than that (maybe 6'0 1/2) since people don't usually downplay their heights, yet he always seems so tall and makes me feel like he would dwarf me even though he's only supposed to be 2 inches taller. Is it because of the shape of his face/head which gives him such a sense of tallness? It could also be his lankiness too but Nick is also lanky and doesn't convey the same tallness as Nate. Or is it just because he's always taller than his opponents that gives this impression he is such a tall 6 feet... thoughts?
He's got that gazelle body
6' for a LW, is pretty tall. He was always quite slender, as well. And of course, alot of the people at or under LW, are just shorter.

So, it's kind of a combination of things, imo.
I feel like he looks so tall because of the longer than normal distance between the bottoms of his feet and the top of his head.
Now I've heard everything :)
BW George Roop is 6'1

Ya'll care about height too much.
He's pretty tall for LW so he's a bit lanky at that weight