Not that many but but I was asking about maybe an equivalent. Given where BW is at now, 4 or so title defenses would put him somewhat close to their legacy given how much tougher the weight class is. And, of course, this is potential, so there's still the acknowledgement he could crash and burn in his next fight.
I respectfully disagree with everything here. First, I think
the defining characteristic that Aldo and Anderson share as GOATs of their divisions is their longevity as champions. I don't know what an "equivalent" to that would be as it's a very cut-and-dried, simple characteristic that you either have or you don't.
Second, 4 title defenses today in the 135 division would be comparing apples to oranges not only to what Anderson did but also to who I would argue is already the 135 GOAT: Renan Barao. Anderson's orange is of course that many fans consider him to have faced many opponents that matched up favorably for him, whether because of style/skill-set or simply talent. So Moraes theoretically beating Garbrandt, TJ, Cruz, and another one for 4 would be at least 3 amazing wins against many more wins by Anderson against lesser competition.
Renan Barao. History has not been kind to him, but I think it should be kind
er. He was the best 135'er for years. Period. Cruz can't be claimed to be better when on any given day in any given month for YEARS during Barao's reign Cruz wasn't even healthy enough to fight. The next best fighter in the division during that stretch was Urijah and Barao beat him twice.
Some people also seem to want to invalidate certain résumés when one fighter definitively beats another and I think that is just faulty reasoning. Sure: TJ beat Barao twice, so anyone who wants to say that makes it impossible for Barao to be the GOAT has a strong leg to stand on. But this is comparing character to track record, an indirect comparison at best and something that happens ALL THE TIME on this forum. I think it's again an apples/oranges argument when perceived attributes are compared to historical accomplishments.
The third strike against Barao are alleged PEDs. This can of worms can derail any conversation, so I'll just leave it at, Barao had a much easier time making weight pre-USADA.
Your last sentence mentions potential. I don't think there is any potential here, what you have is actual and not potential. Moraes is
not young for 135. He's 30. The smaller the weight class the more it skews younger. He's 30 and he hasn't even fought for UFC gold yet. He will not have time to build the track record of an Anderson or Aldo. If you want to make the character vs. track record comparison for greatness that's one thing, but he can't equal their track record. He's 30, and Aldo and Barao are each 31. Think about that. Aldo has completed his legacy and Moraes basically didn't start his yet and they are only a year and a half apart in age.
I think Moraes is excellent, has several years left in him, and is a great 4th wheel to add to TJ-Garbrandt-Cruz. Really making 135 exciting, I would even say I am more interested in 135 then I am in 145 at this point since Max has already cleared out half his division. I just think there's obviously zero path for him to do become what Aldo and Anderson are.