Does it annoy you when your significant other doesn't pay attention to shows/movies?

Lights Out 101

Living Deliciously
Jan 25, 2011
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Maybe it's petty of me but it drives me insane. I'll be trying to show my fiancé great TV series like Breaking Bad, Daredevil, The Sopranos ect.. And she'll be on her phone 90% of the time and not pay any attention. She insists that she's watching, but it's obvious she's not. It's different when we go to the movies because she is forced to not look at her phone, but if we watch a movie at home without fail she'll go straight to her phone.

The funny thing is when we go out to eat or go anywhere In general she won't even touch her phone. It's just when we watch TV and movies.
Samething happened to me but slowly over time it started to switch and I became the one constantly on the phone. Now everything is boring to me. Gym, bjj, porn, beer, sherdog etc everything boring so I go on my phone and im bored still. I'm so depressed :(
I don't care as long as they aren't talking and distracting me from something I'm trying to watch.
I'm shocked that a woman doesn't pay attention to entertainment for men.
What pisses me off is when I'm watching a show or movie that she already watched and starts saying what's going to happen next....killjoy...grrrrrr
Yea, but only because she will get annoyed if it's a show/movie she's interested in and I'm not. Can't stand those double standards.
Maybe your fiance just isn't into Gilmore Girls. Don't force it on her.
She claims she's interested in these shows. We're actually in the midst of watching DareDevil right now and I can't watch any episodes once she's in bed because she doesn't want to miss out. But yeah, I guess I'm just being petty.
If she demand you to watch girly shows she likes and you oblige without doing something else then you have something to complain about.
I was watching "Last Train to Auschwitz" and she was laughing hysterically at YouTube clips of Elephants.

So I'm watching this tragic, emotionally gut punching film and she keeps showing me Dumbo getting in and out of a kiddy pool, laughing her head off and expecting me to laugh in return.
If you have a girlfriend why are you eating time watching TV shows when you're togetheroooooh one of you is fat and the other isn't into it anymore
I remember caring about that when my GFs would fall asleep or not pay great attention to shows or movies I liked, but I've given up at this point.
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