Does Brocks win over Hunt now get turned to a Loss or NC?


Gold Belt
Nov 19, 2015
Reaction score
Especially since he popped for peds with the in competition test. I think if Brock faced Hunt clean, Hunt would have won. No way Brock would have had the strength to take a guy like Hunt down and keep him down at will. But Hunt would also need to try harder.
It will be changed to no contest.
Thanks. Also dont the UFC hold a big portion of Brock's purse and fight money in escrow until all his tests come back clean? I know they did that before. Unless Brock bypassed that policy as well. Then he really played the UFC as fools.
If it was the Brazilian commission, the result would overturn for a DQ win for Hunt, and so it should be.
It'll get changed to a NC. It's bullshit.

Hunt via submission (gogoplata) is the only fair result.
Especially since he popped for peds with the in competition test. I think if Brock faced Hunt clean, Hunt would have won. No way Brock would have had the strength to take a guy like Hunt down and keep him down at will. But Hunt would also need to try harder.
It goes in I don't care column.
In competition positive drug result will result in a NC for both I believe. TCE got the right idea though.
I hope they leave it alone and it can stay a win, but I'll bet you it gets changed to a NC.
I never heard of anyone getting an L for a dirty drug test

The policy takes effect Sept. 1, so hurry up and get your 'roids on before it's too late!

In addition, a fighter who tests positive will have his or her win overturned to a loss, as opposed to a No Contest, which sounds like overkill when you start doling out lifetime bans, but I guess you can consider this the commission's "shock and awe" campaign.
Anyone please tell me whats the big deal over the in cometition failed test? Does it make the consequences more serious?