Does anyone use NO Explode?


Yellow Belt
Feb 7, 2008
Reaction score
What do you think, I heard if you use it during a nighttime workout, it will keep you up. Has anyone had good benefits?
Funny you should mention this. I took three scoops of it last night before I lifted and I couldn't get to sleep until 3:30 AM! I usually don't have that problem. I think I was just a little keyed up and the caffeine just made it worse. It's lovely being at work on 3 hours of sleep.
Funny you should mention this. I took three scoops of it last night before I lifted and I couldn't get to sleep until 3:30 AM! I usually don't have that problem. I think I was just a little keyed up and the caffeine just made it worse. It's lovely being at work on 3 hours of sleep.

Yeah thats what I heard. My buddy used to drink it on long drives. (totally wrong reason.) Is there anything to take that would keep the jitters down before bedtime?
I like the caffeine because it really helps me focus but other then that I don't know. I like Buzz Saw from True Protein better because it has BCAA's in it which help DOMS. But even with that drink I could just make my own ECA stack and take some BCAA's in a carb drink.
I like the caffeine because it really helps me focus but other then that I don't know. I like Buzz Saw from True Protein better because it has BCAA's in it which help DOMS. But even with that drink I could just make my own ECA stack and take some BCAA's in a carb drink.

What is DOMS? sorry if this sounds ignorant.
I've taken it twice (just received it) only one scoop and I haven't noticed anything aside from the crap I take 20 minutes later.
First, do/take whatever works for you.

Second, I used to take NO-Xplode preWO. Decided against buying another jug because of the nebulous connection between NO products and the performance-related benefits they purport to provide. Essentially, some learned folks here in D&S expressed their opinions about NO supplements (that they're largely a scam), so I decided to look into the matter myself and decided that plunking down hard-earned dough on supplements like NO-Xplode isn't worth it... at least not for me.

Did I feel the effects of NO-Xplode when I did take it? Sure, I felt energized, but that was due to the caffeine, tyrosine, b-vits, etc. This can be replicated by ingesting caffeine preWO and maybe a b-complex tab or two.

Was I able to perform more work at the gym? Yes. Was it due to the placebo effect? Maybe. Are there ways to do this without using NO products? Absolutely. D&S is full of info pertaining to this.
i personally love the stuff and ive used lots of no products

great for focus too, i never go past 2 scoops, cant imagine the hell it would be trying to goto sleep
I've used it, it rocked. I think the name NO Xplode is a little miss leading, its more than just an NO product. I found myself considerably stronger off it, more focused, more stamina (and pumped off my tits).

I also struggled to sleep when taking it later in the evening.

Someone suggested ECA stack for pre workout. I really wouldn't advise the asprin, reaserch suggests it will inhibit anabolism.
it's all right. I think I like Controlled Labs White Flood better though.
I've tried it a few times. Made me feel jumpy and awake but other than that, nothing.
I had three scoops on the first day I used it and kept me awake for hours that night. I'm normally out within 5mins of getting into bed.

I'm down to one scoop now and have no trouble sleeping later on.
not trying to be a hater, not starting a arguement, but all im gonna say is after 3 orders of noxplode (all cycled properly) i tried fast twich once, and i never went back. Seriously try fast twitch.