Does anyone know why this event is being held on a Sunday?

Monday is a public holiday in new zealand (only in wellington) dana white aligned the boston card for his wellington fans.
Sure, because I am off on Sunday's and asked Dana via twitter if he could make this fight on Sunday. No mystery to it really
because Dana guaranteed that Saturday would get the fight night next....but later changed his mind and gave it to Sunday for a re-match instead. It's Dana, no real mystery

I can't go in to too many details but the illuminati is the reason why this card is being held on a Sunday.
"Beach front real estate" I believe was the term they used.
Im thankful :) its monday here and nothing better than the day off to drink and watch me some fights.
Because the UFC is starting to take Pride in itself.
The Bruins played at the TD Garden yesterday...arena was booked
It's Monday afternoon here in NZ which is a bit odd to be watching fights but it worked out well considering it's a local holiday today.

Is this the first time it's happened?

Wow I didn't know MLK Jr was a civil rights activist in NZ, too. Man truly was a hero
Yesterday was Ramadan, and most Irish are Muslim. So they figured they'd move it to suit the Irish. Very good of them to do so.

So they somehow get a dispensation from the Koran that allows Jameson's and Guinness? Very tolerant and understanding of them Muslims, I would expect nothing less.