Does anyone actually like Dana?

The Natural Born Runner

Dec 30, 2015
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I honestly want to know this. I can imagine many of you have some element of respect for what he has done in terms of building the sport to this point, but surely you guys must dislike his ways.

He is a fight promoter, and I get that it's his job to promote fights - what I don't appreciate is constant hypocrisy and bare-face lies to us the fans.

People also get "fight promoter" confused with "president". It's his job as "president" of the company, to uphold the integrity of the sport and be the man who's almost impartial to the fighters, to ensure no favoritism and quality of work for his employees. The man constantly goes on profanity filled tirades about everyone from the commissions, referees, judges, fighters in his organisation, fighters outside of his organisation, journalists, the list goes on. It seems like he hates everyone, even guys who make him millions like Jon Jones, Anderson Silva, Randy Couture, Tito Ortiz.

I just don't like the guy. He's now taking an even more relaxed approach and barely even turns up for pressers anymore. Completely cancelled his media scrums, perhaps because he realized that he was sometimes being honest and then he later takes back what he said in those scrums.

If you don't get my drift, take a look at these - I'm sure you'll agree.

I used back in the day.

Now I can't stand him.
I like Dana. He pretty much made MMA what it is today.

Plus he's entertaining. I'll miss him when he's no longer at UFC's helm.
Why did you put so much effort into trying to get other people to agree with you and dislike Dana White? He's a jackass, so what? Does this somehow affect your life?
Ever since the bullshit with Honda I stopped liking.
I like Dana. Why? Because the sport wouldn't be anywhere close to where it is today without him. I don't mean just the UFC as an organization, I mean as a sport as a whole. I think of him as a politician, that you take many of his public statements with a grain of salt, and allow him to be a fight promoter because that's what he is. If you're mad about his profanity, you're in the wrong area. Plus, if you haven't noticed, he's toned it down significantly since the Fox deal. Your complaints appear a bit dated.

Also, it's a bit contradictory to be mad about him and his public statements, and then be mad when he doesn't make as many statements or do as many press conferences.

Additionally, posting two videos labeled "hypocrisy" doesn't exactly help your case when you clearly show selection bias by posting two videos pointing out misstatements. You can't judge a person's character by selectively showing statements they've made that help your argument, you have to judge them as a whole.
I do, say what you want but the UFC wouldn't be where it is right now if it wasn't for Dana, if you like the evolution of the sport then you should like Dana being in charge of the UFC, I've read he has a crazy work ethic.
I'd love to hop on a jet with him and Mike Tyson and do whatever it is they do.
he's a douche. but i respect him a lot for how hard he works and what he's done for the ufc and for us.
Someone asked a question a while back about if Dana would be an alpha amongst a group of people. Seeing how much he bows to Conor id have to say surely no.

I like his outspokeness and controversial ways but his obvious favoritism and the way he throws some of his fighters under the bus who have done everything he asked really pisses me off
It's funny how he manages to simultaneously be good for, and harmful to, the sport.
Until fighter pay, safety, and whether it's meant to be a legitimate sport are addressed, I don't know how to finish this sentence other than thanks Dana, you fuggin jerk.
I like Dana. He pretty much made MMA what it is today.

Plus he's entertaining. I'll miss him when he's no longer at UFC's helm.
Do we think that the thousands of employees he's had, alongside the matchmakers, the Fertitta money roll and the world-class fighters might have a little more to do with it than him?

Honest question?
I like Dana. He pretty much made MMA what it is today.

Plus he's entertaining. I'll miss him when he's no longer at UFC's helm.

I disagree.

If the Fertittas had listened to Dana, there would be no Ultimate Fighter.
Big fan tru alpha like most successful businessmen. The billionaires on wall street are 100x more alpha than fighters. Dana has a way to go to get there. But for no education not bad to be worth 400m from nothing.