Nice ride Brother Ottawa. That's what I need is a back rest for my front seat. Long rides start wearing on me a bit.
I got a fully restored & tricked out 1998 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500. I was riding with 6 other Harley's & one of the guys who didn't know me spoke up while we were all stopped & standing around my bike. He noticed the Kawasaki emblem & called me a poser because he thought I was riding a Harley!... lol... I told him that Kawasaki's are a lot cheaper to repair so FTW.
Here'z me basket case atm... a 1959 Harley Sportster Iron Head XLCH. I actually got it running at the end of last year, but the gas tank was so rusty, that I electric taped a quart sized oil container filled with gas to the fuel line... & rode that fooka around the yard!!! haha.... Now I gotta track down a pretty bad oil leak & fix that... then I'll de-rust the gas tank & it will be ready to ride.
Need to get the electric system working for the lights n stuff to pass inspections but that's an afterthought. So awesome the electric doesn't even need to be working for me to kick start this thing & ride it around. Teh fooking Vulcan will go down if a fooking sensor goes bad... lol. This 59 Sporty is a very simple to understand machine, unlike these complicated computer rides they make today.