Do you practise on your off days?


Purple Belt
Jun 11, 2005
Reaction score
As the title states, do you practise grappling with a training partner (Gi or No Gi) on your off days? And if so, how long is each session? As for me, I can't get enough :D.
Good point, let me rephrase: On days when you don't have classes. There,we go :D
vigilante90210 said:
if u practice on your off days, it really isnt and off day is it?

I take classes 3 times a week, and try and roll 2 more days during the week. But I try and do a little bit of solo drills everyday(snake, buttscoot, triangles etc) I too cant get enough, I think my standup is starting to suffer :(
you won't reach your max potential if you only train on days when there's class. you have to live it and breathe it and do it every chance you get. my opinion.
I was meant to start a regime today to practice some movements. But I was too hung over to get around to it. Using my punch bang with an old gi wrapped around I plan to try stuff like:

Scissor Sweeps
Some Gi chokes

Although my "off day" opponent lacks a head, arms and legs, I can sort of work on some stuff I did in class and I'm not getting whooped :D. I really wish I had a brother I could use to practice on.