So I was just perusing YouTube and watching random shit and I ran across this video.
This is a demo done by an ATA school. I don't know a whole lot about ATA, but I do know that they started out strictly as a TKD organization (ATA = American Taekwondo Association) and it has since rebranded itself as ATA Martial Arts because they now have incorporated stuff from other martial arts into their program and apparently even have some kind of MMA and Krav Maga modules that you can go through if you're an ATA student.
That might sound great, but the impression that I get is that ATA is pretty much the whipping boy of the TKD world and that it is the ultimate McDojo (McDojang?). But I was curious to know if anyone here was familiar with the organization or has any experience with them.
As I said, this video is a demo. They were putting their best foot forward. I've timestamped the part that particularly stood out to me.
This is a demo done by an ATA school. I don't know a whole lot about ATA, but I do know that they started out strictly as a TKD organization (ATA = American Taekwondo Association) and it has since rebranded itself as ATA Martial Arts because they now have incorporated stuff from other martial arts into their program and apparently even have some kind of MMA and Krav Maga modules that you can go through if you're an ATA student.
That might sound great, but the impression that I get is that ATA is pretty much the whipping boy of the TKD world and that it is the ultimate McDojo (McDojang?). But I was curious to know if anyone here was familiar with the organization or has any experience with them.
As I said, this video is a demo. They were putting their best foot forward. I've timestamped the part that particularly stood out to me.